Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A defense of the culture warrior bishops — sort of

A defense of the culture warrior bishops — sort of 

The unborn already possess the same rights to not be executed (which is the only constitutional right to life). They already have the right to have the state punish violence against their mothers. They cannot, nor should not, have a cause of action against their mothers without themselves being recognized by Congress as legal persons (the states cannot do so).

It is impossible to grant the unborn equal protection under law. Doing so is impossible without punishing mothers who procure abortions as contact killers and investigating each pregnancy loss - indeed, each pregnancy would have to be recorded by the government. That will not happen. 

Seeking to establish state power as the final word in equal protection is to suborn tyranny by the mob, including against the Church itself. Alabama, on its own, would not protect the rights of the Church. As it is, occasionally Catholic Churches are burnt to the ground, but at least that is illegal. The Church just won a case, Espinoza v. Montana, which overturned anti-Catholic Blaine Amendments nation-wide. 

It is the height of hypocrisy to accept the benefits of equal protection without also granting them to women and gays. Here is what the reasoning for banning abortion would look like if Roe were overturned. Guess which case this is lifted from.

If the bishops denied Communion to Catholic business owners, parishes and stockholders who did not give families a child sensitive wage (meaning every birth would cause a higher rate of pay, all things being equal), I would applaud them. 

Bishops whose main strategy is making everyone vote for Republicans are setting out conditions to increase abortion. They should all vocally support the President's economic proposals, at least to the extent of support for making refundable child tax credit distributed quarterly at increased levels is permanent. Such support must be required for a 100% pro-life voting record. If the bishops cannot get that done, they are of no use to the unborn.

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