Monday, June 8, 2020

What Archbishop Gregory did, and did not, do

What Archbishop Gregory did, and did not, do
I still don't care what Arroyo and his ilk say or do and believe that we should quit reporting on Non-Person 45 where possible. Shutdown DC should have marched on Observatory Circle. NP45 does not care about bad news coverage as long as they spell his name right. Comparing Biden to NP45 because of abortion is ceding ground to the right-wing agenda, which has more to do with state power over women than it does the unborn. Only Congress can pass laws to change their status (so says the 14th Amendment, Section 5). They won't. Status would require investigation of every miscarriage to make sure it is not really a voluntary abortion. Congress will never go there. Quit asking it to. Economic protection is the only way available to protect the unborn - and it would at least 74% of the time. A wage bonus for children and increased minimum wages to assure equality of result for singles and families is the only answer. Arroyo would never support it, nor would NP45. 4000 Church leaders, however, will. So will Biden and the Archbishop.

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