Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The choice behind the veep choice: demographics or ideas?

The choice behind the veep choice: demographics or ideas?
In a race where the Midwest is in play, the answer is demographics. Klobuchar. She knows that highlighting choice is unnecessary for a female candidate (which is a policy issue). As the daughter of a worker on the iron range, she also has the working class demographic (as does Biden).

Job One of VP candidates is do no harm. Biden has picked up never-Trumpers. Pence as nominee may or may not get them back. Amy is the best person to keep them. Warren will scare them back to Pence. She talks Choice too much (which is a religious identity issue) to win the Midwest. So does Harris. Low-information Republicans vote based on White identity. They never vote Democrat and capitalists rely on this, successfully. Upper income Black voters have not built up the assets to ever vote Republican. That is the reality.

Had either Harris or Warren grandstanded on Mnuchin, it would not have helped people who lost their homes at auction, barring huge mortgage assistance (which Obama did not provide, nor could Warren). Barring prior review of leases, Mnuchin LLC tenants have things worse than most know - but only local enforcement can help them. Rental enforcement is the last thing funded in any local government (where a little bribery goes a long way).

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