Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Day 2 of US bishops' meeting: Institution still trumps the mission
MGB: Claude Rains has the best quote for both the bishops meeting and MSW's reaction.
The abuse of children is endemic to asexual clergy. While we think there are sufficient safeguards, no one seems to be sure, as the bishops are policing themselves. What is also endemic is the culture of  asexuality in the priesthood (which invites abuse) and the secrecy in the hierarchy of the Church, from parish to palace.

Part of secrecy is self-delusion, including Vatican II's contention that bishops are not Vatican employees. This makes the Vatican art fair game in demanding settlement from the Church. Indeed, two of the three pictures hanging behind the dias at the meeting are culturally relativistic and the originals should be sold. Jesus and his family were not white and a Church professing sacred poverty (which is more radical than sacred continence) should not hold onto such things.

Regardless, neither procedures and policies nor conversion will have the desired result for any issue facing the Church. Localizing authority and an openness to both realistic sexuality (including by priests and bishops) are the radical changes the Church needs, especially the ordination of women. An openly gay Bishop McCarrick could not arrange the sleeping arrangements at a retreat, but could have a relationship with a seminarian if all is in the light. Admitting the misogyny behind all of the Church's sexual teaching is also essential. Such honesty is necessary to clean the inside of the cup.

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