Thursday, April 26, 2018

Links for 4/26/18
MGB: I read once that new popes had to take an oath to preserve the Holy See, but I don't see it mentioned in any article about the conclave. Nothing about opposing Modernism either. It is amazing how that topic keeps coming up when I have a book out about the Papal Anachronists.  I don't think Cardinal Burke will like it.  As for adoring the host, I have never experienced grace in any other way from the host except by consuming it. Anything else is idolatry.  Finally, the Third Secret conforms nicely to St. Malachy's last prophesy, but I hope it does not apply to Francis because Benedict still lives.

Unionization is the answer to immigration concerns from both sides, although no sweat shop will hire foreign workers if a union prevents the boss from exploiting them. Ending right to work will end migration as well.

The problem is not Starbucks, its Philly.  The city is very polarized racially. Starbucks is probably in violation of most urban commercial codes.  Bathrooms have to be free if you offer seating, which may be in the Universal Commercial Code.  Regardless, never be unkind to someone who may eventually buy your product.

Puerto Rico may turn into a tourist area and a set of slums unless the Control Board does its job to manage a soft landing.

There are voters who still think, even in the age where Trump has proven himself (like most CEOs) a self-serving idiot, that somehow that class of people is more worthy of office. Insanity is making the same mistake over and over again.

I love what Lorenzo says about wanting to be the Ecumenical Patriarch.

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