Monday, November 13, 2017

You have to see this riveting video of Cardinal Cupich
MGB:_There is a strain of Catholicism, which is not like that of other religions, who want clear instructions on how to avoid going to Hell. The right wing and their Republican friends keep power over these people by alleging that Francis is not giving those instructions. In pagan theology it was a priesthood that would tell the people that the gods were angry, who they were angry at and how much of a tithe would be required to placate the gods. This included the cult of Baal which required child sacrifice (which also controlled pressure on the grain supply, much as abortion does now).

The biggest heresy to such a priesthood is that God is never angry and we should not be either. The second biggest danger is a social justice Pope who will require the state to give families enough money to avoid abortion so that the right-wing coalition fails. So much for baptizing libertarianism, which causes abortions through inequality (unless it is libertarian socialism, which would also have a strong role for the Church in replacing government services).

1 comment:

  1. The remarks on abortion were interesting, especially how they relate to providing for children and families after birth. They were followed by a question on youth gun violence. I find it interesting that there are those who hide behind the Constitution on guns who resist a constitutional right of abortion, especially because gun rights pre-Heller were always for the militia and not the individual. I agree that we must talk about the right to life for the unborn, but we must understand the nature of that right rather than calling discussion of it legal mumbo-jumbo. You cannot simply have it declared and let the chips fall where they may.
