Monday, January 30, 2017

Where is the outrage at the USCCB?

Where is the outrage at the USCCB?: Last Friday, I expressed my horror at Donald Trump’s executive orders related to immigrants and refugees, and that these orders evidenced distortion of the underlying issue to such a degree that...

MGB:_The bishop’s statement was likely a staff product and the staff is likley led by people who put the USCCB relationship with the GOP over abortion above all other issues. In other words, they think like they preach. This is why it would have been helpful for Catholic politicians to change from pluralism or a women’s rights get out the vote theme to a detailed analysis of why overturning Roe is such a bad idea (and how it is more about winning elections than protecting the unborn). Gratefully, there are bishops who speak more strongly on immigration but they need to also speak truth on abortion politics if they want change in the conference. There is nothing in the Gospel about sending doctors or mothers who obtain abortions to jail.

It is fortunate that the judicial system and the ACLU and generating the outrage over these orders that the bishops cannot. Let that one sink in for a bit.

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