Thursday, November 17, 2016

USCCB and Pope Francis are singing from different hymnals

USCCB and Pope Francis are singing from different hymnals: Distinctly Catholic: At a time when the country desperately needs a strong moral voice, the USCCB is fretting about things that don't matter and tepidly addressing the things that do.

MGB:_If you read religious liberty as religious power, all becomes clear on gay issues. On climate change, action reduces religous power among some of our biggest donors, so their reticece is not a surpirse. Their view on abortion is also as much coalition politics as moral. The same is true for capitalism.  As for consumerism, a consumer surplus is what keeps capitlaism from being slavery. A.L. is considered housekeeping, so the lack of metntion at the conference is no shock. I suspect that many of the bishops liked Trump, so going after him on immiration would diminish their religious power in the Republican coalition.)  Some of the bishops can hardly stop the vandals when they are caught holding a can of pray paint.

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