Monday, October 3, 2016

David Bentley Hart and the radicalness of the Gospel

David Bentley Hart and the radicalness of the Gospel: Distinctly Catholic: Whatever else the Gospel of Jesus Christ does or does not do, it does not baptize sexual assertiveness.  MB: On both sex and economics, we need to get beyond the first century and realize that the authors of the law were writing to distinguish the chosen people from the rest of the world.  We are the rest of the world.  The Church then lays out a natural law vision to do that, but that vision still dwells in the kind of moralism that one would associate with the Temple priests.  Our moral law must be more humanistic, telling the faithful how to live the happiest of human lives - which does not necessarily imply license.  The biblical justification is that Jesus is meek and humble of heart, his yoke is easy and his burden light.  The law is not for Him, as Rome would teach, but for us - and only us - just as the sacrifice of the cross was for us and not for God.  How is that for Gospel radicalism?

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