Thursday, August 27, 2015

Run, Joe, Run! | National Catholic Reporter

Run, Joe, Run! | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I see nothing in this editorial disqualifying Bernie Sanders, who is surely the most similar to MSW on the Palestinian question (and the farthest from me).  Indeed, Joe and I probably agree on reasonable accommodation to Palestinian Arabs and Samaritans (there are more of us than anyone thinks and we have a right to be there).  I wonder if Joe would go as far to the left economically as Bernie - indeed if not farther.  One can hope, although I am still convinced we need a Democratic Socialist in the White House - and if that gives MSW disquiet, that is a bonus.

What Joe could bring to the table is the ability to use his office to educate the public, the bishops and MSW on the true nature of the Right to Life Movement - it is still a Republican scam and until it gets behind a $1000 a month Child Tax Credit and away from controlling female sexuality (and its related opposition to marriage rights for gays and lesbians, which are now recognized in law), I will continue to view it as such and will consider its defenders to be fooled.  If Joe makes the same case strongly, even if he does not win, his campaign would be worth something.  We need a Catholic who can stand up to the hierarchs, like Francis.

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