Friday, August 16, 2013

Sochi 2014: The Conundrum of Politics & Sports | National Catholic Reporter

Sochi 2014: The Conundrum of Politics & Sports | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: A permanent home for both sets of games would be good.  Indeed, if we quit the quadrennial exercise in bribery in awarding games, we could actually hold them more often - perhaps annually.  You could then end the world championships in most events and have the Olympics fill that role and more athletes could churn through the system.  As for the gay rights issue in Russia - this actually came from the Duma, not from the President.  It was democracy run amok against gays and lesbians from the culture - the same way it happens here.  This is why the civil rights of groups and individuals should not be put up for a vote.  Putin is less to blame, in fact, than the Russian Orthodox Patriarch - who fears apocalyptic events if gays are not persecuted.  Since the end of the apocalypse is the coming of Christ - and will result in love and acceptance - it is vexing why he would resist it.  To put int bluntly, any action which causes mass hatred of others cries to Heaven for justice - much more than anything gays and lesbians in committed relationships do.

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