Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wieseltier Spanks Obama and Hagel | National Catholic Reporter

Wieseltier Spanks Obama and Hagel | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I don't see any grand strategy in the Obama foreign policy.  It is responsive to outside events, with action only when required because some actor crosses an acceptable line.  As far as Syria, we have no idea how deep we are involved.  I suspect much more than reported.  Indeed, I suspect the reporters on the ground know and aren't telling.  Ultimately, if Syria earns their own freedom, they will never be enslaved again by a dictator.  Now, if you want a Grand Plan, you should have looked at my Americans Elect campaign page.  I proposed restoring the Hashimite Dynasty to Syria with it controlling a large Arab state from the Cedars of Lebanon to Basra, with Israel ceding some heavily Arab and Palestinian lands to it to solve their demographic crisis.  I doubt if anyone in the Administration or the State Department as the stones to suggest such a thing.  American foreign policy is made carefully - they don't go in for grand solutions - it makes transnational industry nervous to do so.

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