Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dolan & DiMarzio on Poverty

Dolan & DiMarzio on Poverty by MSW.  MGB: Justice is not optional, neither is it charity, nor is it optional that that public funds be used for this purpose.  The question of how to do so is prudential.  That we do so is not.  That really can't lead to a non-partisan response, given who is running and what they believe in.  The Church has never regarded the payment of taxes to be optional or theft.

1 comment:

  1. For example, I would much prefer that employers collect all taxes going to fight poverty and have the option, at the employees' choice, to distribute them to Churches offering paid adult education. Of course, in order to do that, the Church must shift management of these operations to the laity or it will never fly politically. Too much latent fear of papism.
