Saturday, July 28, 2012

Death in America

Death in America by MSW.  MGB: Gun control is absolutely a pro-life issue.  So is the ability to more effectively allow intervention on those who need mental health care, whether they want it or not.  Jails are now the main provider of mental health services, which is way too late.  Now that we have gotten there, however, Suspect A should be allowed to plead guilty by reason of insanity, with the defense stipulating he was the shooter and the prosecution stipulating he is crazy.  He should then be locked away for the minumum sentence for at least manslaughter, if not murder, and not be allowed out until both that time period and functionality.  If people such as Suspect A knew that confinement in a looney bin was their sure fate, they might actually think twice.  There is no glory in being thought of as insane.  Of course, if he presents a danger to other patients, regardless of treatment modality, than Euthanasia is not only indicated, it should be required in order to protect others as we protect society from other dangerous animals who cannot be trained.

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