Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What did Jesus do between Good Friday and Easter?

What did Jesus do between Good Friday and Easter? by Daniel Burke. 

My comments:  We now know that the afterlife is a spiritual place, not a physical one.  The paradise narrative of the story of the Good Thief can be the only truth.  The fantasy that Jesus searched for Adam is just that, since Adam of Eden is a figure of myth, not fact, in a story about human nature.  Man lived for Aeons before that mythical Adam was even born (and yes, he was born, not fashioned). 

The more interesting question is what is the afterlife and what is the nature of the eternal soul?  To argue only from philosophy is frightening, as all roads lead to annihilation, either because the soul simply dies or it rests until the resurrection in Sheol or it faces the immensity of God outside of time (how can man exist that way?) or moves to some kind of Nirvana.  To argue from scripture, however, is to find a merciful God who will not totally destroy our individualities in death, who will instead raise us up in some form or another.  The details matter little - what matters is that Jesus will be there for us.

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