Friday, February 3, 2012

Virginia's Mandated Ultrasound Law

Virginia's Mandated Ultrasound Law by Michael Sean Winters.

My response:

This law will have difficulty passing the undo burden test in Casey. It depends on how Kennedy votes.

Conservatives should be leery of the law, however, since if it succeeds in dissuading abortion, it will add fuel to the fire to pay more money to families to support each additional child, either through living wage requirements or increased tax credits (and tax rates) to support families. Once women fall in love with their children in the ultrasound room, they won't be giving them up for adoption. They will want to keep them and demand financial support to do so.

The tenor of the pro-life movement will be tested based on how they respond to this demand. It will show whether their movement is about affirming life or controling sexuality (since most pro-lifers, when faced with the prospect of increased benefits for families suddenly become interested in personal responsibility).

Finally, ultrasounds will reveal the extent to which many of these children were already dead due to genetic abnormalities. We had two D&Cs because ultrasound examinations showed no fetal heartbeat when there should have been one. Because we had insurance, we had them in hospitals. If we had not, we would have been in a Planned Parenthood Clinic, with self-righteous demonstrators praying at us as we went in.

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