Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Report on Catholic Attitudes Towards LGBT Issues

New Report on Catholic Attitudes Towards LGBT Issues from Michael Sean Winters

There are fewer older Latinos in the US among Latino families, since many are recent immigrants and people who immigrate are likely more socially liberal because of both youth and openess to change.

Studies like this give bishops the Willies, since eventually Catholic families will demand that gay unions are blessed, even if they are originally contracted civilly. Indeed, many post divorce unions are "blessed" this way, even if there has been no annullment.

The number of gay priests makes this a problematic one for episcopal discipline. I have a feeling more than a few priests have the attitude that what the bishop does not know, won't hurt him.

In a generation, many of those priests will be bishops and once they compare notes in private, you will see profound doctrinal change on this issue.

All comments about relativism aside, the Church only exists in the conversations people have about it. When the conversation changes overtly, there is not much CDF can do about it - if CDF even survives the predicted (and quickly upcoming) destruction of Rome by both St. Malachy and Our Lady of Fatima.

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