Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Obama's Problem | National Catholic Reporter

Obama's Problem | National Catholic Reporter by Michael Sean Winters

My comments:

Many who oppose Obama on health care want a more generous benefit. About a third of the opposition to his approach is liberal. If you simply poll pro-reform of some kind vs. the prior status quo, the numbers are much higher than 43%.

Many don't approve of his handling of the economy because they see too many people in trouble - and they are right to feel that way. Some of his economic advisors, luckily of the former variety, discouraged more radical action and the result is obvious. If a bigger stimulus and more direct aid for underwater home borrowers had been insisted upon and obtained, the economy likely would be in better shape now.

As to the speech, oddly enough every wonk in town, as well as every cause, wants their issue included. Statehood advocates want their mention. Aging issue wonks want demographic issues to be highlighted for both health and Social Security.

He can't listen to everyone. Hopefuly his new chief of staff will get him to listen to the right people. I am sure it will be a good speech - as it is the last hurrah of Robert Gibbs and the opening salvo in the 2012 election. This will set the tone. If he muffs it, he may get primaried. I don't think he'll muff it.

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