Tuesday, January 11, 2022

New Year's Resolution and Lenten Devotion

Unless something really important comes up, I am taking a break from this blog  - (both reading MSW and writing responses) for the New Year and Lent. Both topics covered and what I say in response are easily predictable. I need to find better things to do.

Monday, January 10, 2022

How dark money prostitutes the US church and distorts Catholicism

How dark money prostitutes the US church and distorts Catholicism

The Pro-life movement prostituted Trump.

He was pro-choice (if not pro-abortion) until he made an unwavering commitment to ending abortion. He even thought through what that meant and was quickly told that, no, we are not out to prosecute women (even though that is the natural result of recognizing the unborn as legal people - and without doing the latter, privacy protects the woman's right to abortion). There was a quick retraction.

Why support Trump? He was gaining in the polls. A Pro-Choice Republican president is essential to keeping the movement, and its fundraising establishment, well fed. When is became clear that Russia was helping Trump, they looked the other way. It may even be that the way the Midwestern Catholic bishops were ready to pounce on Clinton's defense of partial birth abortion in the debate (and Trump brought up the issue) was that her briefing book showed she was soft on the issue. Who do we know that was able to hack her briefing book? I will give you three guesses and the first two do not count.

It is not that Trump was afraid of Russian support coming out, it was that he acknowledged his debt to them - which he tried to fulfill by blocking appropriated funds to Ukraine to kill invading Russian tanks. The "perfect phone call" was the cover-up to that attempt. At some point, Trump knew that this would all come out and he was mistaken in the impression (which the media went along with) that he could not be prosecuted while in office. 

No court, from Manhattan to Washington, have ever acknowledged this and have hinted strongly that this is not the case. They cannot rule on it, however, until Trump is arrested. The Federal Judiciary to not issue advisory opinions (which is why the Texas abortion ban has not yet been overturned). No one tried. Trump's belief in what was wrong led to the Insurrection. In for a penny, in for a pound.

All of those involved with Trump knew that, if he went down, their fingerprints would be found.

And they will be.

Michael Sean is shocked, shocked he says, that the Catholic Church - especially the pro-life side - contains Authoritarians.  As Trump would so, so sad.

Spiritual but not religious recognizes that institutions are open to bad behavior. From the sexual teachings of St. Augustine and the bloodshed over finalizing the Creed, to Nepotism in clergy appointments and papal elections to the attacks on free thought, democracy, science, religious freedom and sexuality do not have their origins in the spiritual. They are all about the Catholic brand and its worldly interests. There has never been as time when the Church has not suffered corruption.

Spiritual but not religious is the easy path. Being Spiritual AND Religious as a Catholic is only for the courageous.  That Fortitude used to require greater commitment. The Church used to torture and burn dissent. Now being attacked as a dissenter is a boon to sales. Sadly, Francis has cut off the heretic hunters at the knees.

I have more than one book that the Church would try to ban. More's the pity. They are finding that ignoring dissent is much easier and more effective than fighting it. That Michael Sean never covers dissidents from the Catholic Left - meaning me - is the best service he can render to those who would buy the Church for the Republican Party.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Will US bishops find their voice and defend democracy?

Will US bishops find their voice and defend democracy? 

Garibaldi's success did not help the American cause. Rome was feeling the brunt of defending their own tyranny from democracy. They did not notice that British subjects were already used to democratic ideals - although given their opposition to the Glorious Revolution (which was the result of defeating Catholic James II), the British roots of American democracy were also a problem.

While Kennedy was important, Catholic chaplains serving in the war touched many who began the war thinking the Pope was the anti-christ. Catholic leadership at the time fit in with the post-war vision of American civic culture with its white picket fences and loyal White majority. The whole idea of individual rights was not on the Church's to do list. It was on America's however - including John Courtney Murray, who opened the door at Vatican II.

Mario Cuomo and Joe Biden understand the implications of Dignitatis Humanae. In battles between human dignity and authority, authority must lose (and would be better surrendering). To restore unity to the Church, it is the bishops who must yield. Many of them have embraced the authoritarianism of Trump. It is a sin that they must atone for. 

There is much more to do than reject Trump and make nice with Biden, although this could be a starting place. Endorsing the Child Tax Credit's continuation at higher levels with refundability will shake things up enough

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Links: JD Vance's Catholicism, Jan. 6 sentences and mezzo-sopranos

Links: JD Vance's Catholicism, Jan. 6 sentences and mezzo-sopranos 

Hardship is bringing him close to God, is it is apt to do. This is not because God likes suffering but because God grants strength to those who suffer. Trivial things become less important. Godspeed to Michael.

The convicts so far were victims of the conspiracy. The instigators are about to get their just deserts. Ironically, Trump will probably only get house arrest because no prison wants or can handle him. Those who planned this for him, however, will get serious prison time. The odd thing is that this was all about him trying to use the presidency to stay out of jail. Helping someone else cover up their relationship with Russia is both pathetic and worthy of punishment.

Authoritarianism is the main feature of capitalism. It is only liberty for the few. His kids are wannabe authoritarians who don't have the DNA or training to think like free people or act with courage.

J.D. is correct on how some Catholics put loyalty to the group  (The Faith) over real faith in God. It is a feature of authoritarianism. Catholic authoritarianism is good training for MAGA membership. Mention abortion and some Catholics will follow you anywhere - even when it is not your issue (Trump is most likely personally pro-abortion - not just pro-choice).

Cutting support (or raising tuition) for community college students is often done to keep up with Pell Grant levels. It is a dance that public schools have to do. Bernie is right that tuition should simply be free up to Sophomore year in college. Build Back Better was going to implement this goal, but Joe Manchin would not let him.

My mother was a mezzo-soprano and was world class. She reserved her talents for her children and the Church. She sang until the end. One Monday, she was singing in the Resurrection Choir. The next, they were singing to her. There are many hidden angels like her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

What stories about the Catholic Church will we be following in 2022?

What stories about the Catholic Church will we be following in 2022? 

The legacy of Francis is that he does not use the royal We. This is the news that the media has not covered. It is a huge thing. The curial changes may be quietly radical as well. I am still expecting an enhanced role for Cardinal Advisors - more of a Patriarchal one. Of course, Africa already has a patriarch, whose jurisdiction should go beyond the Coptic rites. That would be huge news and worthy of sending MSW to Africa to cover it. 

One can be an A+ Catholic and not go to weekly Mass. The Mass is for us, not for God. Morality too. The pre-Vatican II sect are not capable of understanding that the Humility of God is not just found in the submission of Christ to the Father. Indeed, the Father was a co-submitter on the cross in reaching out to us. The whole point of salvation is the now - not a means of getting to Heaven.

If Faithful Citizenship does not include enhancing the Child Tax Credit (Building Back Better), then it is not worth the bandwidth to put on the USCCB website. Bishops who do not endorse it are not worth their keep. They will also continue to be local lordlings until selection is local, not papal. Organizational forms matter. Imagine how local election and removal would change the USCCB. 

The CUA presidency is a question for the alumni. I only rented a dorm room there as an intern. The libertarianism of the business school reflects the authoritarianism of capitalism. They are not the same thing and not unlike the authoritarianism of the Catholic bishops. The CUA business school's direction is a feature, not a flaw. To change the business school, change the Church, and not just whether bishops are allies of Francis.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Links: Tim Busch on Roe; Cardinal Dolan on secularism; a plug for church charging stations

Links: Tim Busch on Roe; Cardinal Dolan on secularism; a plug for church charging stations 

Busch is correct, letting the states decide for themselves without federal scrutiny is the wrong way, but it is unlikely that the Court will abandon federal power in this area (much as Mississippi would like them to - because they have a list of other cases to rehear). It is up to Congress to modify the terms of the 14th Amendment before viability and the Majority should state that. 

Barring that, the Court can use delegated power under the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to pick an earlier time than viability to protect the unborn (which is the approach Justice Thomas favors - and if Roberts is in the minority, Thomas gets to write or delegate writing the opinion). This is the least bad result, although reversing the 5th Circuit forcefully is preferable. Either way would end the impetus to overturn Roe any further. It would end the argument on both sides - and the ability to fundraise on the issue.

Dolan cheapens the Church by going on Newsmax. Secularism can be seen as doing real natural law thinking, not the doctrinal version that convinces no one but true believers. As long as I have been in the civil rights movement (almost 30 years now), it has had (and continues to have) a strong religious focus. Conservatives may not respect the spirituality of some in the LGBTQIA community, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Who am I to complain if Alaska voters elect a Democrat because the GOP nominates a Trump-nutter. Michigan too. Not seeing the Insurrection as a major reason for GOP losses is very short-sighted, if not bat-blind.

The Justice Department is bringing suit (or will) against any obviously racist restrictions (or ones that disenfranchise college voters - the real targets of the GOP). With Omicron providing immunity to SARS level variants, people will be voting in person this year. Getting them to vote must be V.P. Harris' full-time job this year.

Charging stations at church's are a great idea, although this won't help weekend travelers. The better option is to use overhead wires (connected to a roof deck covered in grass).

Neither the DOI or the House will let Tongass be harvested if they have a say, although big timber will (as usual( be funding Republican candidates because of this).

My Missouri cousin (possibly an in-law) had a cynical streak based on having clear eyes. Pointing out such truths always comes from a place of optimism because he believed words matter - and his still do.

Monday, January 3, 2022

What to expect in the world of US politics in 2022

What to expect in the world of US politics in 2022 

I would have expected those on the left to think democracy was in trouble, given what we hear on certain cable news stations. It turns out those on the right have a case of sour grapes. This is normal. The survey has nothing to do with the actual state of our democracy.

Restrictive voting laws are being challenged by the Justice Department, who will win the challenge. Republicans who ignore laws on redistricting will face electoral consequences. No one likes cheaters.  

Action on warming will not occur until there is more damage (it's how humans roll) and inflation should take care of itself. Raising interest rates (and taxes) may slow speculation and prevent a downturn. Pandemic inflation will be over soon because Omicron functions as a vaccine against later SARS-CoV-2.

The Court is not going to be packed and the filibuster should not be ended - although 55 is a good number for cloture. It would have stopped some of Trump's judges. Judges, Justices and Senators are not immortal. Systemic change in response to this moment should recognize that majorities change too. Comity needs to return in both houses, with a return to Open Rules in the House being the necessary first step. The Speaker cannot decry partisanship when she practices it as well as Hastert did.

The common wisdom that Casey will be overturned (Roe was overturned by Casey) is faulty. It will never give states the last word, although it may move away from viability on its own accord. State power over civil rights cannot be allowed to succeed.  Only Scalia was for that. He is still dead.

To pass Build Back Better, it needs to put off everything but the Child Tax Credit, Childcare and paid family leave. The other points need to be what the Democrats run on. BBB should be sold as pro-life legislation and Biden needs to dare the Catholic Bishops to label it thusly. That will take leadership rather than partisanship. The Pro-Choice side will not oppose such a measure. Those pro-lifers that believe in freedom through work might. Their issue is not life, it is sexuality and capitalism.

Note to MSW on cultural issues. Progressives do not bring these up until Reactionaries do. Protecting non-binary people only became a thing when Republicans started attacking them. They do that kind of thing to distract low information voters from economic issues. They always have and always will.

The PRIMARY political issue for this year is punishing those who sparked the Insurrection - especially those members of Congress who were in on the planning for the day. Every member of a conspiracy is legally responsible for the bad acts of the other conspirators - and the upcoming hearings are going to lay this out in fine detail. The GOP would be smart to cut their losses and have the guilty among them resign, with Trump's cronies pleading guilty so that we can forget about them. The GOP is not that smart.