Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Luther and Martin, up against the same obstacle

MGB: Fr. Martin has been way too respectful and even then he was tossed from American Magazine as publisher. The fact is that the hierarchy cannot handle the truth, even the personal truth of many of its members and priests, who have a sexual orientation much rarer than the homosexuals they seek to force into celibacy and the priesthood.  Less common in society and more common in the clergy are those who settle into celibacy as natural for them, those of the Asexual orientation.  The way to argue the theology of sex is not the merits, since the Church will argue scripture and tradition to resist, even as they are proof texting both badly. Instead, it is time to "out them" and demonstrate that the ancient and modern clergy of this orientation are promoting their unique sexuality and that it does not apply to the rest of us. Until the truth is revealed, we will be stuck in  a morality that is not appropriate to the vast majority of us. Martin should write about that.

Peddling purgatory relief: Johann Tetzel

MGB:_The Lord was rather clear that those who have been forgiven but who have not forgiven others will be given over to the torturers until their entire debt is paid. Can one buy a forgiving spirit? I guess you can if you buy indulgences for people you have yet to forgive, but not yourself. Indeed, unless and until modern indulgences include the element of the forgiveness of others as an active thing, they are simply an exercise in bad nostalgia.

Links for 10/31/17

MGB:_For a Protestant to become Catholic is about more authentic worship as well as chosing a new group of friends. Given the Ecumencicalism of Evil that last one can be a hard sell, especially for Democrats. I suspect many become Anglican instead. Bruenig is right about this. Sadly, it goes to the parish level. Smith must not go to Mass during the 40 days for life prior to the election, especially the last Sunday. It is worse in some parishes than others.

Berkowitz has very clear biases, especially about the rights of Palestinians to both basic human rights and a return to ancestoral lands. Zionists claimed they were paying for these lands, but they paid off the overlords, not the peasants who were being displaced. That debt still remains.

The bankruptcy will wipe out most, if not all, of the debt. Sadly, the control board has been ineffective in dealing with Maria, as have both the Governor and FEMA. All three need to agree on someone to run the rest of the recovery and that person must care more about results than cost.

Monday, October 30, 2017

US bishops missing opportunity for meaningful conversation

MGB:_Whether the paucity of an ageda is due to President DinNardo, Committee Chairs or USCCB staff is hard to say. I am sure that behind the scenes and on the floor, this will be discussed and corrected. The bishops know amongst themselves who pushed Trump last year as a pro-life candidate. I am sure that crowd will hear a few harsh words on their terrible choice, at least in the-context of the Pro-Life Activities Chair election. There should be more than a few words about the seemless garment of life, although I wish at least one bishop would raise the possibility that maybe Roe was decided correctly, given the constitutional law involved. Of course, if John Murray’s text for Dignitatis had not been watered down, we might even get a reasonable defense of Catholic Democrats.

On the translation of the Mass, I suspect the first shot to be fired will be rejecting the translation of the Rite of Baptism for Adults. Friends of Cardinal Sarah and his Dicastry can’t think that nothing will be said about this issue at the Conference, so I am sure they have a resolution for further study already drafted. I doubt they have the votes. The only question is whether the prior translation or the new translation proposed in 1998 will be passed and whether it will be immediately or a year from now.

It would be nice if the bishops who faced hurricanes this year said something about the environment. I am not sure Di Nardo has it in him.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Differences over church's role in US culture persist in bishops' conference

MGB:_Americanism was and is a bit of a red herring. It is not that Americans seek a divergent morality (although there are those here who believe in reform, as in Europe), but that how a constitutional republic reponds to such issues needs to be considered, although the latter was soft pedaled until Dignitas Personae made the ”heresy” a matter of canon law. No Democratic politician as had the skill to link abortion pluralism with Dignitas, but I suspect some will. They should certainly use it to then explain the details about Roe as constitutional rather than legilstive issue to Rome and why its repeal would represent Catholic mob rule.

It is amazing how the forces of reaction tried to control things and the reformers were able to out-flank them, including in Amiercain government with Msgr. Ryan helping draft Social Security. After the war, America had a Catholic moment where the Church enjoyed a great deal of cultural power, usually on the reactionary-side. It could not withstand the radicalism of the late fifties and after. While Cardinals may have led reactionaries in the past, there now seems to be a more even split. This year’s elections will be a classic example of this.

Bishop offers Congress moral principles for weighing tax reform

MGB:_This statement is ot that differernt from my own proposals to icrease the Chilt Tax Credit and make it refundable and preserve the charitable contributions deduction, although I would feature both as part of a subtraction value added tax rather than the income tax.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Baptism and the paradoxes of Christian community

MGB:_Jesus said one must be born again, not baptized. Associating the two is bad proof texting. To be born again looks from the text of the Gospel to be radicalized into the Kingdom of God, which is an adult outlook, not a Sacrament. Many Catholics are not radicalized that way, including many of our beloved trolls. Until recently, the Church taught that unbapitzed babies went to Limbo, where they would be physically comfortable forever but never encounter the grace of God. This also applied to the unborn, (even though you cannot be born again if you were never born in the first place). Most modern theologians consider the idea of Limbo quaint and not serious. Of course, this question can never be verified in this life and it has never been addressed in Dogma, although some Doctrine speculates on it, but that is only speculation

Links for 10/26/17

MGB:_Senator Flake used to have some very flaky ideas when he and Pence were in the House advoctig the worst kind of fiscal conservativsm.  Both have come a long way, but Flake has chosen the path of sanity. Pence still drinks the Kool-Aid of hyper-partisan idiocy.

For an AFL-CIO and Church partnership to matter, both need to be radicalized into something more than protectionism and a slightly better welfare state. Real worker empowerment and ownership would be a starting point. A stronger and more direct role for religious institutions to provide government services instead of the government would be a valid step, but it would require more democratization in the Church, including moving more managerial power from the bishops chair and giving it back to a mixed gender lay deacoate. The Church’s current culture warrrior stances, including resisting female ordination limit how much they can be trusted as a partner in a move to democratize the workplace. Right now, there is too much hierarchism on both sides for anyone to really care.

Tesla is taking its grid initiative nation-wide. It is a major attack on the power company monopolies and is why in some places they are pushing back on systems which require them to buy power. If Puerto Rico’s power company does not get their systems back soon, they may lose a huge customer base.

Ideology can be dangerous, but it can also lead to reforms like Social Security and affordable health care. The fight over how much of our life is public, how much is private and whether wealth (and more importantly power) and how are all matters of ideology. Frankly, the ideology of Catholic Social Teaching is a form of demoncratic socialism. It should admit it this and help become an organizing force, like with the unions, but it needs to its own house in order as well and become a bit more internally democratically socialist, including offering hierarchs an exit if they won’t agree.

LSN resisting Cupich is not news. The best hope for real progress on Life is to get it out of the Republican echo chamber. I suspect that the Cardinal’s opponent is part of the problem.

Fr. Z left me off the list. I am crushed, especially because I have the most damning criticisms of the pro-life movement and effectively communicated them to NARAL and the Obama campaign, which used them according to the NARAL Public Relations person who confirmed their impact, which was Catholics voting for Obama at the same rate as the general population. Of course, ignoring the opposition is often the best way to marginalize effective dissent. I wish my fellow leftists would not join them. Troll fighting keeps them too far under the radar. My attacks on the Dubia as the ranting of washed up former bishops provide the best defense of Francis. It is not that I am trying to get to Burke’s level but that he is sinking to mine. Lastly, to defend Francis is to defend Vatican II and the entire Church. All of us who do so wear that as a badge of honor.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pope Francis' unprecedented letter to Cardinal Sarah underscores vision for a church engaged

MGB:_This is a shot across the bow of the counter-revolutionary Church that would kidnap us all. It hopes that by ignoring change in the culture, it will go away; with wives being submissive to their husbands, women forgoing contraception and any desire for priesthood, we will all confess every pure thought every Saturday and go to Latin Mass every Sunday and that science will pull an Emily Lattella an say "never mind" regarding Darwin. Sounds silly when you put it that way, doesn't it?

His Eminence needs to either remember his promise of obedience or retire and the Holy Father needs to be a bit less subtle in changing doctrine and overturning bad proof texting on divorce, Communion and the Eden myth. the nature of the teachings of Leviticus and the salvic nature of the Crucifixion.. The Dubia Cardinals are correct that we need clarity, but they won;t like the answers. God is not the Ogre that they make him out to be. Morality is to make us more human, not angelic.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Links for 10/24/17

MGB:_Word has it that it did not take much to force Kelly. He certainly did buy the fake news line. Bruce Bartlett, call your office.

This is not the first case of stolen valor of Fox or anywhere else. Keep calling Bruce, whose book on Fake News is out today.

The Link is either late or mentions the wrong House. The Senate passed the budget yesterday.

Father Z is grasping at straws. Anything but admitting error. That is a mortal sin for traditionalists.

Francis is hitting the right notes. He is very well staffed (no one at his level writes their own lunch remarks). Mentioning work that is not worthy of the human person is a perfect note. Too bad the format did not allow more on that. Also on intermediate institutions, like labor or even employee-owership (although the popes never go as far as cooperative socialism, although they are great democratic socialists).

Monday, October 23, 2017

New authentic interpreter of doctrine emerges, frets over Paglia

MGB:_We should not be too hard on young Mr. Gallagher. Everything is vital when are in doctoral school, but he does need to start writing for real refereed journals. This article will not help him unless he is auditioning for the alt-right of the Church, the Ecumenicism of Evil, as it has been called. As a member of the Catholic Libertarian Left, I will debate him any day at any venue. I do agree with him on one thing.
 An argument on abortion should rest on the related facts, some of which he undoubtedly ignores, like how abortion regulation is a tool to reinforce or restore the patriarchy. One look at Casti Connubii makes that clear, so a feminist retort is legitimate. The feminists win the point as Casti is socially outdated.

Then there is the issue of pluralism, which Mario Cuomo devised and other Catholic politicians endorse. It states that Catholic legislators and governors cannot substitute the will of the Church or their own views in unity with the Church upon the vast majority of non-Catholics. I thought it a week argument, but having reviewed Dignitas Humanae and the history of its passage in Vatican II and its acceptance into the Magisterium by Pope Paul, I can see their point. We are not required to impose Catholic values on our secular constitutional nation. Mr. Gallagher should avoid arguing this issue, as doing so may cause the university to question his orthodoxy in his oral exam, which would ruin his career in punditry. Regardless, I would hope that Catholic politicians would actually educate the public and the Church on the issues surrounding Roe.

The constitutional argument over life is two fold. First, there is federal jurisdiction, which says states have no power in this area of privacy (like in marriage equality, sodomy, contraception or Catholic rights to have parishes in Alabama, and eventually funded Catholic schools). To deny federal supremacy is to support mob rule. Second is the issue of personhood, which Roe puts at viability, which is more general that the constitutional standard of birth. Under Amendment 14, Congress can enforce, meaning, change this interpretation, but it can only go as far as it can get votes, probably week 25.

Anything earlier in the second trimester is equivalently rare and complicated with fetal survival issues, although I will concede the problem of Downs Children if he will concede that any regulation in this area will require intensive federal financial support of these families. As for first trimester embryos and fetuses, if he can devise a legal way that will not violate equal protection rules that treats fetuses who will miscarry differently than those aborted in terms of criminal investigation and tort relief, than he may have the chance of law beyond the status quo. I doubt he is that smart. No one is. Indeed, if the best that the Pro-life argument can do on Roe is to agree that the status quo is all it can get, then perhaps is essential for all Catholics to denounce it for the fraud it has become, or at least not abet it.

What he can do is agree to my Catholic Liberal position and support a robust child tax credit of $1000 per month per child (what USDA calculates a child costs for an average lifestyle), paid with wages or tuition stipends, and a $15 minimum wage. This is also in line with Casti and as such is part of the Magisterium.

Though the sexual teachings may be disregardable-due to their origin in-clerical asexuality (not chosen celibacy, but a sexual orientation, like homosexuality) and be socially outdated as patriarchal, it is correct on mandatory sterilization although scientifically inaccurate on contraception being equivalent to abortion (while embryologists won’t say life begins at gastrulation, what they say about it should ring true for anyone who has read Aristotle’s teachings on the human soul, which are still used by Thomistic philosophers). Pius on the innocence of the child does not understand that innocence is not an issue in any life question. Danger is. Even economic danger, although he has a solution.

Casti not only echoes Pope Leo, but Pope Pius expands on what is meant by a living family wage. That keeps it relevant when it is otherwise ignorable. Here are the relevant passages:

120. If, however, for this purpose, private resources do not suffice, it is the duty of the public authority to supply for the insufficient forces of individual effort, particularly in a matter which is of such importance to the common weal, touching as it does the maintenance of the family and married people. If families, particularly those in which there are many children, have not suitable dwellings; if the husband cannot find employment and means of livelihood; if the necessities of life cannot be purchased except at exorbitant prices; if even the mother of the family to the great harm of the home, is compelled to go forth and seek a living by her own labor; if she, too, in the ordinary or even extraordinary labors of childbirth, is deprived of proper food, medicine, and the assistance of a skilled physician, it is patent to all to what an extent married people may lose heart, and how home life and the observance of God's commands are rendered difficult for them; indeed it is obvious how great a peril can arise to the public security and to the welfare and very life of civil society itself when such men are reduced to that condition of desperation that, having nothing which they fear to lose, they are emboldened to hope for chance advantage from the upheaval of the state and of established order.

121. Wherefore, those who have the care of the State and of the public good cannot neglect the needs of married people and their families, without bringing great harm upon the State and on the common welfare. Hence, in making the laws and in disposing of public funds they must do their utmost to relieve the needs of the poor, considering such a task as one of the most important of their administrative duties.

122. We are sorry to note that not infrequently nowadays it happens that through a certain inversion of the true order of things, ready and bountiful assistance is provided for the unmarried mother and her illegitimate offspring (who, of course must be helped in order to avoid a greater evil) which is denied to legitimate mothers or given sparingly or almost grudgingly.

Gallagher should warn his conservative friends that they are on the road to Hell.

Sex, gender, religion: Scholars discuss possible 'reformation'

MGB:_If anything brings gay couples back to the Chruch, it will be the children they already have and their families who insist that they are entitled to celebrate their sacramental love in the Church, and not just privately in a wedding blessing in the rectory or sacristy.

The Catholic Church breaking up into a more Orthodox model of continental, national or linquistic partriarchies will bring progress to at least some places, probably starting here, on gay marriage and female ordination.

Eboni Marshall Turman is not totally acurate. Our clergy is not full of heterosexuals. They left and we are left with celibate gays convinced that this is the only place left for them to go, non-celibate gays who could easily marry in the new regime and asexuals for whom celibacy is comfortable because it is natural for them. The problems is that their teachings on chastity are not natural for the rest of us. A sexuality that glorifies their natures is just not useful to most us. They need to be outed.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Francis corrects Sarah: Liturgical translations not to be 'imposed' from Vatican

MGB:_Francis needs a good canon law assistant to issue language that makes it clear what is happening when he teaches on law and procedure. It would have helped in both the recent statement and in the Joy of Love. He has made one thing very clear, however. His current authority overturns past tradition and if you don't think so, take it up with your confessor. For him, those goes for later Councils overturning past ones. For all of you who who told liberals like me to leave if you are discomforted, I urge you to take my advice and stay and fight or stay and obey. It is not like he has started to refer to the Holy Spirit by her traditional name...yet.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Links for 10/19/17

MGB:_This is more complicated than Francis knows, since some of the neoplatonic foolishness in the Church’s sexual morality (and Augustine’s) was grafted from Roman culture, not Christ, and is insisted upon by our modern day sceplchres, who have no love for those who they would moralize for.

Generic ballot polling is good for the Senate, not so for the gerrymandered House. Rallying the pro-choice troops won’t help, but showing the pro-life movement has no game could be the knock-out blow.

The base still thinks that Trump is a strong leader, read authoritarian, and so do some in Congress. They can related to Trump’s unpolished style, even if the rest of us find him a moron.

V2 has not been fully unpacked and won’t be until Dignitas Humanae and the reasoning behind pro-choice Democratic politicians are understood as the same thing and the Trads stop resisting.

The Xenophobes on the right won’t believe what is said about refugees, even if someone were to return from the dead to proclaim it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Values Voter Summit displays 'ecumenism of hate'

MGB:_If the War on Chirstmas was their only issue, the Values Summit would be a quaint ananchronism defeated by everyone honoring the astorlogical origins of the holiday by saying Good Yule. It is as much grievance as policy, however. At this stage, there is nothing that can be done about gay marriage or the right of gay people to a job, given that the federal courts are about to say that the marriage decisions automatically include emploment non-discrimination, which is going to be a problem for the Church in its backlash against gay married staff.

Abortion is similarly a dead issue, because if the 20-week ban cannot pass the House it will never see the light of day in the Senate. The obscene thing is that these values Catholics and Evangelicals won’t even consider what Pope Pius XI says about fighting abortion using a family sensitive wage backed by tax policy. They see that as paying people not to kill their children and subsidizing other people’s sexuality. In other words, NARAL is right, it is about controling women’s bodies and it’s not Catholic.

That the usual Catholic right-wingers were there is no shock. One wonders about their appearance fees. This event has devolved into entertainment for and by the usual suspects. It is hardly worth covering.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Links for 10/17/17

MGB:_Simply reacting to abuses by the Moron is not enough to expand democracy. There efforts should start in the workplace. Occupy Capitalism!

Right-wing evangelicals love the certainty of authoritarianism, hence their love of Trump. Luckily, the structure of government restricts Trump from actually doing all he wants on their behalf.

If you have a personal flag, you may as well see if anyone salutes.

If PPUSA has polling data that shows that their campaign will bring out the vote, even though the issue is largely settled, then they should go for it. They think it worked in 2012.

Hating the poor stops paid training programs, larger child tax credits and a $15 minimum wage. Attitude is important, but so are solutions.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Puerto Rico's situation is getting worse, not better

MGB:_Trump is an irrlevancy in this crisis, if not in general. FEMA was slow to get going, but their movements are usually in support of local government. If there is a problem here, it is with the Governor of Puerto Rico. He needs to turn off the Air Conditioning in the Civic Center and push his staff out the door to start getting things done. No more paralysis by analysis. The buck stops with him.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Fr. Antonio Spadaro spells out Francis' mercy-drenched vision

MGB:_What Francis is saying is that there will be no more killing in God’s name. No more crusades, pogroms, heretic hunts or inquisitions, including by the CDF. No nation is an enemy of the Church. He may even talk to ISIL if it can help. That is mercy. Theology will no longer be blood sport, which is bad for the GOP anti-abortionists. No more Triumphalism or anti-modernist informant networks. All of those things were a sacrilege and are now done. Religion is no longer a justification for acting out personal fury. BTW, 2.4+2.4=4.8, which rounds to 5.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Links for 10/12/17

MGB:_American political rhetoric has always been close to blood sport. That is why the founders created the electoral college. Oops.

In Europe, families with Downs Children recieve support, indeed all families recieve support that they don’t get here. Their value added taxes raise the revenue necessary for this, which is why the GOP resists such a tax so vehemently. The pain capable argument is valid as the fetus reacts to the procedure, which is rare, even if it cannot perceive the pain. This argues for requiring anasthesia or maybe induction, not a mandate to continue the pregnancy. Few have an abortion that late because they simply decide that they don’t want a child.

I suspect the hierarchy is on the wrong side of the gerrymandering case because of right to life movement coalition politics. Sadly, that does not include passing a VAT and a higher child tax credit.

Bannon is an ersatz populist who never met a billionaire he did not like.

The EU is engaging in snobbery. As folks in the food desserts of America if they want a supermarket or that mom and pop store with the higher prices staffed by family members and setting out food that was originally displayed in the white stores but has expired. That is life in Anacostia DC and it has nothing to do with free markets.

I am glad Mass is being offered, but I wish the Governor’s office would either figure out how to deal with the military trying to help them or put them in charge. The buck stops with him and his incompetent staff, who need to quit sending memos to each other and start leading food and water convoys.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Expanding exemptions on contraception mandate nothing to celebrate

MGB: There is no religious exemption on employees receiving contraception.  They still get it for free. All the Church and other religious organizations got was the ability to put their heads in the sand about the fact that their employees have this right.  As for material cooperation with evil, there is no evil to cooperate with.  Life effectively begins at gastrulation, not fertilization.  There is an obligation to protect life if it could exist, but embryologists will tell you privately that gastrulation is the marker.  The issue was not religious freedom but religious power, this time over employees.  That power has not been allowed.  There is nothing in the policy to prohibit the employees from getting the coverage and most will if they think they need it. Out of all of the medical issues covered by insurance, this part is small potatoes, so the material cooperation itself was trivial.  This was entirely a publicity stunt on both sides.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

'Amoris Laetitia' conference signals big changes, highlights problems left

MGB: Natural law as practiced at the CDF concerns itself with Platonic idealism, where celibacy and chastity are the ideals, often through the filter of papal infallibility rather than reason and with an unspoken asexual bias.  Before LGBT rights, being asexual was considered an attraction disorder, except in the Church, where it gets you a pointy hat and shepherds crook.  I suspect there was no percentage in fighting over how natural law is best used, i.e., authoritatively v. by reason and evidence, so Francis ignored its conclusions. Professor Imperatori-Lee highlights the romanticism, or clerical idealism, often brought to this topic. Meghan Clark also notes this.

Eight women is progress over none, but not nearly enough in a conference about male and female relationships, regardless of how talented the women were. Meaghan Clark is right to cite Francis' implicit change of Pius XI Ozzie and Harriett view of women in marriage and even more so the USCCB allergy to lesbians and trans women. Unless you are following the conservative cultural herd, there is no moral question on transexuality, just a medical one. 

MSW asks why the USCCB is not actively part of this event? My guess is that there is such a cultural divide here that it would violate the rules of their asexual boys club.  Coping with modern reality is not their strong suit. The Archbishop of Malta shared that they have nothing to be afraid of and that AL is not a rupture. Of course, he does not have the same donor pool our bishops do or the same seminarians who prefer asserting authority to acting with mercy, as well as young people of the same stripe who thrive on certainty, which is really more about loyalty than faith. A counter-culture witness is fine, but it must be a witness of inclusion, not isolation and rigidity.  The Church will not fail just because we rethink sexuality in light of more recent human experience.

Gaillardetz raises an interesting point about going out to where the people are hurting, as does MSW when he quotes Francis before the conclave as saying Jesus is knocking on the door - to get out!  The Church is not an NGO, but it is not the clergy and the hyper-faithful either.  All of the baptized are both called to ministry and ownership. There is no "them" who are going to fix the Church or fix us.  The latter is God's job and we must all bring God to those who call for help, especially the brokenhearted grieving a marriage gone wrong.  Citing dogma and tradition are not helpful to the hurting and not particularly attractive to potential converts, especially those doctrines which stem from bad proof texting about divorce. Call it bad branding. The image of Francis washing the feet of  a female Muslim inmate is cited.  It is sad how clericalism the rest of the year has turned that rite into a mockery.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Conference on 'Amoris Laetitia' was dialogical, grounded in reality

MGB:_It would have been good to read AL before getting married, except it had not been written until we were divorcing. It is interesting to note the absence of a discussion of how in-laws figure into the decision to divorce, even though Jesus mentions the issue in Mark (and nothing at all about homosexuality). Divorce is a contagion. If one or both families of origin are broken, I suspect chances are worse for success. Other takeaways are Professor Imperator-Lee’s comments on how doctrine romanticizes marriage (I would add sex to that) and the need for lay rather than priestly formation, although allowing married priests would take care of both circumstances.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Trump administration expands exemptions on contraceptive mandate

MGB:_I am fairly certain that the impact of this is that more organizations will get the same freedom rights as the Little Sisters of the Poor, which means full coverage for employees and a way to deny paying for the free coverage without saying to provide it. No one reads Right or Reason anymore, it seems. Or embryology text books. This has been a non-issue from the start, especially since birth control has been covered since December 2000 by order of the EEOC. No one cared them and the only reason they cared now is that Valerie Jarrett set the bihops up. HHS had a non-controverisal plan but Valerie wanted some election publicity and she got it. This is the last gasp of the Freedom of Religion issue (along with the Cake Case). What will we do for fun? No one told Moron that settling issues is bad for business.

Friday, October 6, 2017

'Democracy in Chains' book review, part two Policies, think-tanks, law schools turned to securing property rights above all other social objectives

MGB:_Buchanan provided a patina of academic legitimacy to the ideiology for hire desires of Charles Koch and the culture of profit over all, hardly a mark of Christianity or good economics. Later efforts to justify supply side economics gave us tax cuts, which along with union busting, kept worker salaries at the rate of inlfation while the productivity gains of these workers mostly went to the CEO class. Even the odd investor got a normal return. It must also be noted that even thoug Koch is a libertarian, he is willing to let ALEC go down that pro-life road to keep the masses happy, both in the Tea Party and in parishes and Chanceries across the nations. They have no real plan for success, but they want to keep the base fired up, just like the gun manufacturers do on the Second Amendment. The GOP propaganda machine is not aimed at thinking progressives but is meant to fool its own base. The last election shows it is largely successful. Even MSW still buys the pro-life line that Roe can be overturned and that the states can decide on abortion law.

Eliminating any difference between sexes 'is not right,' pope says

MGB:_People change genders because their souls and bodies disagree. It is called gender dysphoria and it is a medical issue, not a moral one. Sometimes even this pope can be quaint. No+one cares but his audience. If this was not a real thing rather than a decision, people would have the surgery and regret it. Most don't becaise they were inadequately screened, but that is also a medical question, not a moral one. What I find creepy is not Trans people but those who actually bother to object. I see no reason why it is appropriate to do so, even less reason why they need raisse their voices when it is not their concern. If you believe their doctors are taking advantage, that is one thing, but to object to the plight of the patients and especially to disregard what THEY say about their experience is uncalled for. Those that physically attack or bother to hate them are those that are going to Hell, not the Trans.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Links for 10/05/17

MGB:_I suspect that in the end, the US will assume that debt rather than have the Court cancel it. The EU should do the same for Greece.

Alito likely remembers reading the paper in college. It is easy misquote something read years ago. Either that, or he has some very partisan law clerks feeding him this information.

The Anglicans have an Africa problem. So do we if Cardinal Sarah is an example. More than a mileia ago, all of Africa was given to the Copts. Lamberh and Rome should honor that agreement now instead of trying to cope with the traditionalism of the African Church.

The heros of Las Vegas show the Lord is still with us, although it may not be with the NRA, which still wants to let insane people buy guns. Like insisting that there is no global warming, that view could only be supported by a real moron.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Book review: Meet the godfather of libertarianism in 'Democracy in Chains' Part one of a review of Nancy MacLean's latest book

MGB:_This analysis of Buchanan and Rothbard show the tinge of racism found in the libertarian movement, which is more than smoking pot while living in your mother’s basement watching Star Trek. While the Austrians did not get their juice from Rothbard, they share the common view that taxation is theft, especially if the spending does not benefit you. Such a not only lacks empathy but is wrong. Redistribution is necessary when a public debt is owed to the poor for past discrimination, which is why Libertarias resist the idea of reparations or that monopsony is a bad thing that can be remedied through a minimum wage. Public Choice economics, like Catholic moral theology, asserts that there is only one way of life, theirs. The Culutral Theory of Douglas and Wildavsky show that there are four: Hierarchy, Equalitarianism, Libertarianism and Despotism. Of course, many southern racists and Catholic trads meet in despotism without knowing it. Their well-funded anti-government ideology led us right to the idiocracy of Trump.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Links for 10/03/17

MGB:_Nothing on Las Vegs? Really? I am expecting a gun column tomorrow.

Abp. Gomez’s emphasis on immigration was perfect for the time as was his shout out to a man who was not only a Catholic Worker, but founder of Democratic Socialists of America, whose growth has been huge in the last year. In DSA, we have had a lot to talk about.

Being a sanctuary city never stoped ICE, it just meant that the local police would not feed them arrestees, so now they are rounding up families instead. Never dare law enforcement unless you want them to make things bad enough to radicalize the civilians.

Anderson finding friends among fringe Catholics in Steubenville is not news.

Cutting taxes is not the only thing the GOP does. They also go after immigrants, pander to people who abhor abortion, throw out racial code words, back the Saudis and engage in the sexual excess they most condemn, sometimes with interns. This is the only arrow in their economic quiver and it shows we have seemingly limited the argument on taxes to 35% v. 39.6% top rates and give-aways to business. Of course, they don’t even have a bill yet and nothing that is not bipartisan is likely to pass the Senate. The economy is starting to get better. Giving rich people a reason to cut labor costs will simply send it the wrong way. Increasing middle classes is but a bonus, although tax increases for the poor need to take into account an increased standard deduction. Usually that is only proposed if you are looking for a Value Added Tax.

Frost knows that taking a knee to thank God for a touchdown is different than doing it to protest white supremacy in policing or the presidency of Trump. Taking a knee to pray (which should be done in private, not on TV) is also different than taking a knee because you are too winded not to, which is apt symbolism for the problem of bigotted cops.

I don’t car about Professor Barrett’s personal spirituality, individually or in groups. I care about how she sees the 14th Amendment in terms of regulating state political action that violates the privacy rights of women, gays and anyone else whose behavior states wish to regulate. In short, does she agree with the Federalist Society viewpoint? (which IS fringe)

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hugh Hefner became the pitchman for unfettered consumption

MGB:_Hef did not cause consumerism. The post-war generation demanded it and capitalists were more than happy to provide. Washers, driers, TVs, AC and the modern refrigerator made all of our lives easier, both housewives and single men. Consumerism is what makes continued capitalism without revolution possible, and during the Great Depression, many flirted with revolution. Unionism and consumerism took the pressure off, along with governmental Social Security and unemployment.

The Depression and the War were a time of stoicism, into which moral stoicism naturally was magnified, especially in the expanded role of the Catholic Church in securing that morality. It was not to last, nor should it have. Hef helped bring back Epicureanism, as did the Beat Poets and many others. His movement was not amoral, although it was hedonistic and humanism is hedonistic. American culture had experienced enough pietism. If Hef had not come forward, we would have had to invent him.

Kick-starting a new Catholic conversation

MGB:_I suggest we stop talking about this and just disregard what the hold-out hierarchs say. There are plenty of ex-priests who still have their state credentials to do weddings. Catholic families with gay kids should go to them to perform essentially Catholic gay weddings. (There are also probably gay priests who would privately bless such unions). Indeed, for solidarity's sake, divorced Catholics and normal Catholic couples should simply ignore the institutional Church until it apologizes and performs weddings for everyone. It won't take long. Weddings are big business for any parish.

Cardinal urges passage of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

MGB:_The question of pain is not new. There are still doctors will not treat pain in newborns because they will have no memory of it. Being an infant is like being in an alcoholic blackout, there are no memories. Of course, no aborted fetus will live to have memories either nor, experts assure us, do they feel pain as we experience it. Still, they do react to it starting at week 20, although seemingly not before. Unless the Cardinal wants to assert that this means that all abortions before week 20 are morally licit, the only demands he can make are that after week 20, only induction abortions should be available,, including at Catholic hospitals (so that worse forms are not used in clinics) or that the fetus be sedated after that point. Either way, the forum for such discussions must be Congress, and because the House is so hyper-partisan, the Senate Judiciary Committee. Then we know the effort is real and not some talking horse to see if Trump appointees will overturn Roe.

Cakes and unions: Supreme Court cases with Catholic interest

MGB:_In this term, we will see if Gorsuch is a Kennedy or a Scalia. If he is a Kennedy then the only consistent anti-abortion justice would be Thomas. The stare decises crowd on Roe would be everyone but Thomas, making it immoral to argue that presidential elections have anything to do with abortion. Of course, even if he is like Scalia, only two Roe repealers do not a movement strategy justify.

If the couple were picking a standard cake from a book, the baker has no room to say no and it appears he said as much. They could have simply ordered the cake from him and gotten a cake topper with two grooms online. If they want something unique to them that involves artistic compromise, he cannot be forced into that relationship, whether the topic is gay marriage, building a cake that is shaped like a B-2 bomber or with a message to not eat meat. This is not a hard call and I expect even Kennedy, who is the most pro-gay rights justice, will see it that way. As long as the opinion honors both facts, we can have our cake and eat it too.

The Janus v. AFSCME case is part of the right wing to do list. The Court should make easy work of it, but it won’t and the child of Ann Gorsuch is the deciding vote. This will certainly force unions into a different focus if it goes as it might. It is time to end opposition and Occupy Capitalism. Shifting education and street work to local employee-owned companies and converting the unions to a representative stockholder association is their best bet.

With respect to MSW, these cases are to be decided by the Constitution, not Catholic morality or even its social teachings.