Thursday, March 1, 2018

Links for 3/1/18
MGB:_The Ergo does not necessarily follow, since it was not at question. That Pruitt is a man of easy virtue where capitalism is concerned has never been in doubt. The same can be said for many Catholics as well.

Tipping points are still a fairy tale. The water is coming to boil slowly until we notice it is too hot and too late. No species would ever die off if it could notice the small changes and react. Norse maps show that my village in Norway farmed Baffin Island, which was named Hellelands. That is pretty warm.

Anti-Semitism has always thrived in Europe, the home of Neanderthal man. Hopefully Antifa and the government will control it. That is no more justification for abusing Palestinians (just the opposite). Notice that the same idiots (with the government) also persecute Roma people.

Right-wing intellectualism grabs a fact that sounds like it is in their favor and runs with it regardless of its relevence. Sadly, FoxNews has trained majority of voters to do the same.

Clean clothes are a blessing to the homeless. God bless the Pope and the Milwaukee laundromat that follows him.

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