Friday, March 23, 2018

Latest Democratic election victories shed light on culture-war campaigning
MGB:_There are two and two issues that matter right now, taxes and impeachment. To get the former, we have to do the latter: both Trump and Pence. Whether we can get Pence past the Senate is iffy, but Trump is going. If the GOP is smart and suddenly brave after primary season ends, they will shoot their own dog-faced boys.

20 week abortions are barbaric but they not done for trivial reasons. If we want to stop them for Downs’ Syndrome children, then we must get socialistic in our level of support for their families, including respite care and economic support for these children, and all the disabled who have never worked much above current levels, which are obscenely low. Barring that level of support, any pregnancy at that point should only be aborted via induction. In Catholic hospitals, that leaves some time for Baptism before the child is allowed to die.

Chopping the child up or killing it in the womb before delivering it by sucking out its brain should be banned, although this is more easily said than done with hydrocephalic children, although not all cases are fatal. C-Sections seem the only option, which also means hospitalization. For late term abortions, Catholic bishops must stop being squeamish. If they don’t deliver, abortion mills will.

A 20-week bill is possible, but it must ground itself in the ability of Congress to enforce the 14th Amendment, including defining the beginning of personhood. This would make late term abortions outside the necessary exceptions Infanticide. Abortion prior to personhood will never be banned because of privacy rights, nor should it be. The law should include the provisions above and one last important one, a tax credit, distributed with pay, of $1000 per month per child. Sadly, right to lifers consider this making them pay for other people’s sexuality. So much for the whole pro-life thing. Such a bill must be bipartisan, but it won’t happen because all those donors and volunteers go away if the issue is truly settled.

As is, this issue is really not important. We don’t even know if Gorsuch will follow Kennedy (and Roberts and Alito) on this issue or side with Thomas, who could be the lone pro-life vote. We know for certain that once the Mueller report is released, Trump won’t get another Justice and sooner or later he will be gone, with or without Pence. Then the question is up to Pelosi, who can stay Speaker or put Biden, Clinton or Sanders in on the chance that Pence is implicated and removed.

As for NARAL, they have too much churn to remember that the best way to fight the Pro-Life-movement is not meet them on the field of argument but to rightly point out that their goal is more election Republicans than saving unborn lives. This is why NARAL looks askance at Pro-Life Democrats. So does the misnamed Susan B. Anthony Fund, which is pure Republicanism.

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