Friday, March 9, 2018

Despite campaign to discredit him, Francis strikes a chord with workers
MGB: That conservatives are more tribal is not really news. Sadly, people are reacting to what others say rather than taking their own look at Francis, or God forbid, looking at their own views to see if they might be wrong about such things as global warming, the danger of wealth and privilege and a preference for rigor over mercy. It is not the Holy Father who needs to "pivot" to pander to conservatives. Cardinal Cupich seems to agree about the tribalism. We cannot but notice the other NCR and EWTN. Can the Knights be far behind? At least most bishops are cagier, although a majority is probably in the wrong camp, as the election for Pro-Life Chair of the Conference shows.

The Trumpka event is interesting. This Pope has allowed labor to again focus more on worker solidarity and less on solidarity between each member union. I bet no one mentioned abortion rights, even though that is a major NEA plank (and the NEA is quite well represented at Democratic conventions among the female delegates, which is half). It is amazing how much our policy discussions are as much ritual as inquiry. That Francis is familiar with the rituals of the left on immigration and the environment is what attracts the left to him and repels the tribalists on the right, among them the Bishop of Springfield who seems to think he can outlast Francis. The fact that the American cardinals are with Francis should give him pause, but does not.

That people are inspired by the Trumka event is not a shock. It is more than liberal solidarity behind these issues. It is the emergence of the Kingdom of God when we most need it in the age of Trump.

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