Friday, May 31, 2019

Judge not, unless it's Lindsey Graham

Judge not, unless it's Lindsey Graham
In gambling, the house always wins, or in this case, the Senate. Graham is in the perfect place to take the temperature of his colleagues. He also knows that Mr. Charisma (Pence) Wil never be nominated and is likely a co-conspirator who may be removed as early as this afternoon (the Flynn redactions will be released COB). He has ingratiate himself with the MAGA base for 2020, but could still have a public come to Jesus moment soon after that will move his colleagues. He may be the one who gets Trump to resign (earning the thanks of grateful GOP moderates and the nation). The house always wins. Any questions?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Links for 5/30/19

Links for 5/30/19
Right-wing Catholics do not accept discordant information, especially on a topic like finance. The GOP does not care about Puerto Rico either. They care about donors. May needed to have the courage to call an election for both Parliament and a Brexit redo. Her party's coalition will fall (more discordant info). Meghan, like everyone, is using Alabama as a way to comment about abortion. The real issue is states rights. As for fundraising, I have been saying this for years (without any comment from MSW). Greenhouse is right to connect the dots on the entire reactionary agenda (including bishops) about going back to Plessy, which undoes everything the Church dislikes. Pecknold had a conclusion searching for facts. Whatever keeps CUA donors happy. 

Individual reactionaries love their Trump in the same way neo-liberals love their Clintons. Nancy is right about one thing - impeachment is not worth it if Pence is the result (or if she has to step up an be President if Pence is implicated tomorrow by the release of the Flynn section of the Mueller report). Collective reactionaries do not like poor people, especially people of color. Not news, nor is the lack of teeth in enforcing fair housing. People really need to go to jail for their bad conduct for anything to change.

That people died in quarantine helped forestall a public health disaster. Modern air travel allows faster spread of the flu and other possible pandemics. Of course, the Bird flu happened anyway when the troops came home infected after WWI.  The real story is not how many Irish died but in how many did not and were instantly citizens. That could not happen today, probably because reactionaries disliked the latter result.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Buttigieg won't win the nomination, and that's a good thing

Buttigieg won't win the nomination, and that's a good thing
MSW needs to get a press credential and spend a month where Mayor Pete served in Afghanistan and then tell us how he has never faced loss or hardship. MSW’s other down checks are guilt by association.

As for economics, Pete is right about the reason capitalism is bad. It is because of the power relationships, although mot just political power. I doubt that either he not Bernie will mention the main problem of it, which is the authoritarian control of bosses over workers.

Is Pete resume building? Of course. It is not a bad thing. Right now, He is the top of the second tier list and is well placed to be Indiana governor. Of course, Trump started as a long shot, although he did get a big assist from Comrade Vlad. Given his example, it would be crazy for anyone to quit just yet.

Heck, get me five large and I will run again. In Americans Elect, I was at or near the top of the field of candidates who had a platform and were not running in another party. I ran as a libertarian socialist. With exposure, I might have been a spoiler. Why else do you think the principle donors wasted millions of sunk costs and pulled the plug on the effort. Before MSW criticizes Pete for running, he should run, but as a Republican, which is the natural home for a pro-life Zionist. I'll make it easy. I will fund him if he funds me. With Trump about to be forced out, one of us just may win the nomination.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Mayor Pete's rise is confounding, but also reflects cultural zeitgeist

Mayor Pete's rise is confounding, but also reflects cultural zeitgeist
Mayor Pete is in a good place to be Governor Pete, although I am not sure how the gay Episcopalian meme will play in rural Indiana, or even Indianapolis. His rise has nothing to do with identity politics, however. It has to do with his full-throated opposition to Trump. Still, it is not enough to get him the White House, but he might be a good Keynote speaker at the 2020 convention. He is too white to be Biden's VP and has not paid the dues required to beat Biden. He may be the new Bernie next time. I doubt he will take many Bernie voters away this time. He would be the ideal running mate for Harris.

Friday, May 24, 2019

As we honor veterans, may we find better ways to resolve conflict

As we honor veterans, may we find better ways to resolve conflict
Peace must follow justice. It is no accident that when veterans from the Union and Confederate sides of Gettysburg met and shook hands 50 years after the battle there was soon national agreement to enact Jim Crow. This is called losing the peace.

As to soldiers v. causes, the most interesting discussion is by the Bard in Henry V when Hal disguises himself before Agincourt and goes out to take the temperature of the troops. War is often about unseating the strong who oppress the weak. Any war that is not is immoral. Any peace that sweeps this under the rug is unjust.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Links for 5/23/19

Links for 5/23/19
It is not the corruption that the Founding Fathers would dislike (they were bond speculators and smugglers), it is the Catholicism, just to be clear. It was seen, for good reason, as anti-democratic, as Gregory XV's drivel, Mirare Vos, demonstrates. Leo operates in the same vein, as if Dignitatis Humanae had never been promulgated. He seeks to enact the entire Catholic agenda in one fell swoop by overturning Plessy v. Ferguson and putting all rights for protected classes from the states under the protection of the states alone (how is that for Truth Speak). Of course, that would allow Alabama to ban Papists and treat Latinos badly as well (and they are likely to - but Leo is short sighted). 

Stopping draconian action to bring back Plessy is what the Catholic Left is trying to do - not bodily autonomy. As for Hyde, it is doomed by Medicare for All or any likely incarnation of single-payer or public option. The impact on any Catholic taxpayer is minuscule, so the natural law conclusion in natural law (as stated by August Fagothey) is that such funding need not be resisted morally. It was always about the optics.

Sperling is still a neo-liberal. The problem is capitalism itself, which turns workers into disposable assets. Nothing less than employee-ownership, control and democracy (including electing management) is acceptable. Call it the Marxian option. It is essential for Europe.

The social democracy of the popes, including Benedict and Francis, are a start (as they are in Scandinavia and, to a lesser extend, the United States), but it cannot be the end game. It is not just about the Koch brothers and their neo-Bircher movement.

As for immigration, repealing all work restrictions, as well as right to work (really to hire Latino slaves) will regulate it just fine. Let states decide who votes - it has that power. On a path to citizenship, simply drop the requirement for legal current status and let anyone who is not a citizen apply for the appropriate status based on their circumstances.

If public employees can donate to campaigns, so can journalists. Write that check. I would fear he would be primaried, but the disgrace which is Donald Trump is going to repudiate the MAGA wing and may destroy the GOP as a majority party.

We do need priests. They should be ordained by a bishop elected by clergy and lay deacons and hired by elected parish councils. Unlike the past, modern Catholics are literate enough to do this and will leave if we do not. We should also have Catholic Shabbat, including Eucharist, in homes.

As I stated yesterday, the form of Catholic governance is not the cause of abuse. Secrecy and domination are, in churches, homes and schools. They are not the reason to change or maintain the current structures - or abandon misogynistic sacred continence and opposition to contraception. These things should be done for their own reasons.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

James Carroll's call to 'Abolish the Priesthood' is misguided and tiresome

James Carroll's call to 'Abolish the Priesthood' is misguided and tiresome
The Gospels were written before and after the belief in the imminent return. Jesus was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem, not the end of the world. Taking up one's cross had a double meaning - both to die and to build the Church (sometimes by dying - although this meaning may have been added by the witness of Christian martyrs - indeed, everyone expected to be martyred, so everyone was a saint).

Augustine say everything from a Roman lens, from the glorification of asexuality as holy instead of different (statistically abnormal rather than disordered). He entirely misread the Genesis myth as a true story, rather than an allegory on human blame. Jesus was not abnormal and as a rabbi, he was likely married. The asexual ideal was added by Jerome, who came up with the ascriptural idea that Jesus had cousins whom were called brothers.

The Church was assimilated by the same Hellenists that defiled the Temple with their pagan statues and their stoic idealism (including about sex). Sadly, this has continued. Jesus Maccabees to Jesus Christ to Peter and the victims of Nero (666) to those of Diocletian died resisting such non-sense. It has polluted the practical ethics of Judaism upon which Christianity was established for the past 1700 years.

Jesus warned against being like the Gentiles in seeking honors. That message was lost, turning the washing of the feet into an empty ritual. John of Patmos may have had a point about Pauline Christianity when writing of a return of a holy Jerusalem from its recent ashes. It may have been the anti-Hellenism that almost kept it out of the Canon, not its violent language.

Arguing from a point of view that is not academic is not out of bounds for a personal story. The POV is merely to be noted, not scorned. Carroll was writing about this experiences as a priest like a recovered alcoholic writes about liquor. Not every book about the Church is in the realm of theology. Indeed, what we know about the Resurrection is shared personal witness, not the product of theological argument.

As for his proposals, I cannot judge based on the review. I have only the point of view of the reviewer to go on. He is not the first to say to abolish the priesthood, which I would not do, nor even the bishops - although Overseer sounds like Pastor to me.

Bishop is an imported word for what was originally the same thing a pastor. A Metropolitan was a pastor the pastors. It implies oversight of a city, not a state or region, with a patriarch overseeing a country. Maybe we need the title of Arch-Patriarch below the level of Oecumenical Patriarch. Metropolitan Gregory (his official title) should probably be referred to as Patriarch, possibly Arch-Patriarch of the Anglophones and my the OP, considering the seat of global empire.

Could we divest the clergy of economic and political power? That would be scriptural and traditional. The origin of the Medieval bishop as part of the nobility is still evident in the terms Monsignor (my Lord) and Archbishop (your Grace). We can bring back the deacon as the lay director of the parish church, with priests to celebrate the sacraments. We can elect from below instead of appointment from below. Christianity was built that way and thrived. Church property need not be vested in a celibate bishop (to prevent inheritance by children). A 501(c)(3) can accomplish the same purpose.

As Garrry Wills points out, the priesthood was not part of the original Church. It evolved with the growth of the Church, which after 100 and St. Clement of Antioch was already practicing pastoral consecration of the Eucharist (which was used as a political tool to keep emerging parish communities in line). Originally, the Mass was modeled after a meal presided over by the head of the household, which in Judaism has not been centralized with the congregation, but is still home-based, whether the Passover meal of the unleavened bread or the weekly sharing of Challah and wine at Shabbat dinner.

Could we do without a priesthood? No, nor the public celebration of the Eucharist - but it need not be exclusive to the clergy. Judaism has thrived with private Shabbat. There is a strong tradition of education in the faith of my fathers (before assimilation). Now that w have a more educated flock, it can be trusted to remember the Lord in the breaking of the bread and its transformation into the Body and Blood of Christ. It takes faith, not magic.

It does not take a Theology degree to see any of this. Indeed, such a degree seems to favor living in the Church's inglorious past. As for the present problems with abuse, they are not new, were not caused by the sexual revolution, asexuality or clericalism. They thrive in domination and secrecy, who forces that will never be eradicated, but can be overcome with equality and forgiveness, not for the sake of the abuser but for the victim.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Links for 5/21/19

Links for 5/21/19
The good articles are about state power, not only abortion rights. Alabama has a bigger  agenda than abortion. The stupid arguments are all about the babies. This case will be about law, not morality. There is no civil right not to be murdered. That is part of the social contract, unless you assert that there is a civil right to have government. States have no power to create rights for the unborn. Congress simply won't; nor should it.

The Greens are the strongest partners of the SEIU. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Francis would never forget the poor.

Hopefully Wilton will take control over CUA from the USCCB.

Mayor Pete is grandstanding. He needs to think in terms of his run for governor. Of course, those voting against him will not do so because of any remarks about Jefferson.

I wonder if Morris will become full-time crew on a sinking ship?

Monday, May 20, 2019

New Trump administration policy is eugenics for immigrants

New Trump administration policy is eugenics for immigrants
This is already the current policy. It is relatively easy to get a student or H-1B visa (and then a green card). Immigrant nurses get a Green Card with no intermediate steps. It is impossible for an undocumented family to get on a path to citizenship. The proposed policy is like the Trump 4th of July parade. It already exists. The Trump family is as dumb as a box of rocks. The GOP will never say so. They fear being primaries by someone equally clueless. The GOP is doomed. So much for merit.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Cathedral's rebuilding must be an act of both worship and art

Cathedral's rebuilding must be an act of both worship and art
I was sure I would find an essay about Alabama, so I will write another on my own blog and tweet it to MSW, et al. What I tweeted out yesterday and sent to Maddow and the Center for Reproductive Rights made it into a segment last night, so I am going to try for two-fer and maybe a guest slot.

As to the matter at hand, I suggest the spire should be of angels dancing around the head of a pin. No one will see the details anyway. I am more concerned with the engineering questions, of which, for once, I have no answers. Primarily, if the roof had been metal, would there have been an explosion that would have taken down the walls and the bell towers as well? Would sprinklers have really helped? These are the important engineering questions. The spire is secondary.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Links for 5/16/19

Links for 5/16/19
The Democrats need to decide whether capitalism is the enemy or not and the GOP must decide whether it really wants to be the reactionary party on State Power. The Democrats need to explain equal protection issues in small words so that the bishops understand the difference between process and outcome. Theology has no appreciation of that difference.

It is Biden's turn. We tried that with John Kerry. Not a good outcome. Of course, if both Pence and Trump are gone the question is whether Joe is made Speaker so he can get his turn with his VP getting her turn in 2020. Trump could win if allowed to run. I don't trust his base or his party to go elsewhere. We must impeach and remove, starting with five Senate defections before trial.

The question is who will Harris pick? She or Warren are likely to be Pelosi's #2. In the end, it matters little whether the candidates like each other if the White House and nation are at stake.

The issue of many trans rights are already settled. The question should be whether they deserve their own categories in sport. Probably not.Trans women lose enough muscle mass to compete with women with extreme training. The question of sport is whether training is too extreme.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Pence's address was everything that's wrong with evangelicalism today

Pence's address was everything that's wrong with evangelicalism today
I suspect that Mr. Pence will not be in office for very long, as the Mueller Grand Jury has two active investigations. If he invokes the 25th Amendment and resigns then MSW's favorite Democrat will be President shortly. Maybe he is auditioning for an adjunct position among friends. Being stuck in Norfolk is not as bad as being stuck in Indiana. That said, he should not be the sin eater for all Evangelicals or all Catholics. He is not a Southern Baptist, although he soon may be. I would think it would sicken him quickly, but I remember that he works for Trump. Sadly, he and his audience seem to forget that Christianity is a martyrs religion. We should celebrate their sacrifice, not call the State Department to help them avoid it. Jesus did not call anyone's embassy in Gethsemane. Sadly, the Church is now more persecutor than persecuted. Calling attention to that is not some Liberal Trope. On the link between things of this world and the Church, it was not invented by Norman Vincent Peale.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Links for 5/14/19

Links for 5/14/19
CUA, Napa and Burke  are all second rate. The better question is, who cares?  Faith entertains doubt. It is only loyalty that is shaken by it. That is why Burke and his ilk are in panic mode. The Trump Evangelicals are also whistling past the graveyard. For the record, the Congregationalists who were here at the founding would not recognize the Southern Baptists as fellow travelers. The sad thing is, Burke does. The pre-Vatican II believers still reject Darwin. I would love both flavors to cope with a text that covers how Genesis was not dictated to Moses but was instead a monotheistic retelling of the Sumarian/Babylonian epics. They would sue to block the curriculum.

Three cheers for the next governor of Indiana, who makes the point that identity and economics are not mutually exclusive. Without such an understanding, we would never have had Moynihan and O'Neal, who both knew where to be March 17th. Berkowitz is no stranger to identity politics where Israel is concerned.

The neoliberals chase the donations. It is why the Democratic left will eventually go elsewhere.  The DNC likes both money and Biden for now. Biden will be up against Pelosi VP for nomination, be made Speaker in time to take over in August or will face Pence next year.

The left needs to declare victory on abortion and explain why this is so. Dann the fundraising and full speed ahead. That being said, prayer as protest was condemned by Jesus. It is not to be a tool of oppression. It dishonored Our Lady to do so.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The issue of truth looms large in American politics

The issue of truth looms large in American politics
A politician playing Pilate would deliver the line ironically. Hedging is expected in politics, which is based in rhetoric. As for Trump, his lying is pathology, like Nixon. The worst lie is everyone else not treating this as a crisis.

Friday, May 10, 2019

The suffering of Puerto Rican people continues to mount

The suffering of Puerto Rican people continues to mount
The answer to Trump is impeachment and resignation (which may happen sooner than we think). As much as I don't like Pence, he won't mess with PR. Pelosi will help them. Their Governor seems to have grown a spine or has learned from experience. Better late than never. As for the humanitarian crisis, we need all collections (both first and second) to go to Puerto Rico some day soon. It should have been Easter. It can't wait until Christmas.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Links for 5/9/19

Links for 5/9/19
Chappelle  is both funny and sarcastic (which sometimes bites too hard to be funny - but maybe that is the purpose). As for the language, it is vulgarity, not profanity. They are different. Resisting German vulgarisms is also racist, i.e., fucked up.

Regarding Donald Trump. He needs to be arrested, evaluated for mental stability by NIH (not the Navy), removed by Pence (as part of his plea deal), impeached, tried in the Senate, DC and NY (with his children)  and subjected to civil asset forfeiture. Let his kids off, as long as they are left poor.

I responded to the America Magazine post on their site and my Christian Left blog. The sexual revolution did not bring about abuse (nor did celibacy), Hellenistic stoicism did (with its attendant misogyny and glorification of the asexual ideal. Asexuality needs to be recognized in the Church and asexuals need to be outed to themselves. Most asexuals are not abusers - and anyone who has childish sexuality should be feared, not venerated. That is how the Church can support priests. Celibacy should still be junked, as well as Medieval governance. Ordain married lesbians and everyone else in the spectrum between them and the status quo.

The GOP pundit and non-profit class is coming apart at the seams. I am neither surprised or saddened. We do not impeach for spelling errors. We have enough reasons. I hope some of these mistakes are deliberate moves to embarrass Trump. I can't wait for the tell-all book. Once the GOP dies, class issues will be laid bare by competition between the neo-liberal and socialistic branches and create two new parties in its wake. The death of the GOP will end the debate on abortion. Both new parties need to clearly state that getting rid of Roe also gets rid of Brown and brings back Plessy. Congress could act, but not in the first trimester because that would require investigating miscarriages. Not doing so would be unconstitutional under due process rules. Selective enforcement of abortionists is not allowed. The Church needs to throw its weight to the socialists, shout out the environmental wing and encourage enactment of a refundable child tax credit ($1000/month/child).

New rules on abuse mark a major step forward

New rules on abuse mark a major step forward
This action so clearly lays out the supervisory nature of the Vatican that we need to revisit its financial liability for local abuse. While it takes the pressure off of the need to abandon our Medieval structures, it does not end the real need to do so. Bishops are still too much like the Gentiles who give themselves honors.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Attorney General Barr deserves impeachment

Attorney General Barr deserves impeachment
I am willing to give Barr the benefit of the doubt until the Mueller Grand Jury is done on 7/4. Until then, he is the bright shiny object protecting Mueller, not Trump. The impeach Barr din is grandstanding. He will resign if Trump & Pence are out.

What needs to happen next is the arrest of everyone from Trump to IRS Commissioner Rettig and his Counsel for not giving Ways & Means the Trump returns. The law punishing not doing so has this situation in mind. Arrest them now, hold them until returns are released & make them resign or be prosecuted.

Impeach Trump later. If there is anything on Pence, Let him off if he invokes the 25th Amendment on Trump & then resigns. The indict Trump too and seize his assets. Damn the optics. Do it now.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Links for 5/7/19

Links for 5/7/19
Just ignore the vast right wing conspiracy in the Church. I would rather see if Midwestern bishops and the USCCB colluded with Trump.

The impact of the Church is more a subject of sociology than theology. It's probably been done. If not, I suggest Paegels.

Moore was dumber. Cohen and Krugman have no idea about Biden and Krugman is the quintessential neo-lib. The nominee will likely be Pelosi's VP.

Billionaires should be nervous, not because of the peasants but because of the debt, which is tied to taxes paid yearly × 13. For the top 1%, that number is $13 trillion. For the top 1400 households, it is more than $600 Billion. It will only get worse.

Black voters want ticket representation, and not tokens. That means Booker, Harris or Patrick.

Onion editorials always go viral.

Monday, May 6, 2019

When health care rules are updated, both sides just start attacking

When health care rules are updated, both sides just start attacking
The Church's rights to freedom of worship do not overcome the rights to individuals to be left alone regarding contraception and abortion under the 9th and 14th Amendments. Weldon applies to individual hospitals, not to states. Employees also have rights superior to the free exercise if they are ministry and if one type of civil marriage (homosexual) is punished while the other type (heterosexual) are both against doctrine but treated differently.

This is not a liberal or even a libertarian issue - this is about basic deistic natural rights, which are not the same thing as Catholic natural law. The latter cannot be opposed because it privileges the papacy in its interpretation, especially if the papacy is wrong.  It should recognize that monogamous homosexuality is not evil, that doomed fetuses have no moral right to endanger their mothers by forcing her to carry the pregnancy to term, that contraception is not killing a person (life begins at gastrulation) and married sexuality is outside their competency.

The Church is trying to have it both ways on Dignitatis Humanae. They either recognize freedom of civil conscience or they don't. While no doctor can be forced to perform a procedure, paying for it is so remote from any insurance coverage that there is no justification for withholding it, just as their is no justification for abstaining from federal funding because the nation allows abortion. Either way, this issue is good for fundraising on both sides, although it is evil for the Church to carry the water for the Republicans because of it.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Heresy accusation letter, deconstructed

Heresy accusation letter, deconstructed
The problem of the open letter is that LifeSiteNews is getting ink at all. The second problem is that the authors are looking not to the 1950s, which was actually the golden age of Catholic influence over social morality, but that they look to the Church of Pope Pius IX (Pio NoNo) and St. Pius X. Their insistence that matters of academic discipline were dogmatic was simply bad epistemology. Grasping for the lost glory of the papal states and establishing a network of informants were not salutary for the life of the Church. Indeed, they led to Vatican II, where such nonsense was repealed.

Veritatis Splendor was an attempt to renew such authority in the Church. It was promulgated in 1993, so it cannot be blamed on the dotage of St. John Paul. It is merely an example of the counter-revolutionary essence of his papacy and its support by the future Pope Benedict XVI. Veritatis was an example of the errors of both the Popes Pius and the errors of Catholic sexual doctrine from the Hellenistic misogyny of the 4th Century, which gave us Sacred Continence and the idea that original sin came through female sexuality right up through Humanae Vitae, bad proof texting on marriage, divorce and marriage equality and its reliance on a natural order morality that is a sophistry rather than a reality.

Without such silliness, including its total ignorance of biblical history and the science of the biology of development and sexuality, the Church would have been required to perform gay marriage in the spirit of Vatican II era. Given what we know now, it still should. It should also go further on divorce, not relying on some superstitious analysis of the reality of a marriage but instead focusing on justice for spouses who are abandoned, abused or victims of adultery or alcoholism. They should be able to remarry at will, with their spouses only able to marry in the Church if released by the offended spouse - and even then only after proof of not only contrition, but treatment as well.

I write much more about all of these encyclicals, as well as the Five Dubya in my book The Illuminati Respond to the Papal Anachronists: Annotated by Michael Bindner  I doubt that any readers of LifeSiteNews will read it. They simply cannot handle the truth.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Links for 5/2/19

Links for 5/2/19
538 is only correct if the DNC and RNC have their thumb on the scales.

I have followed Bishop Stowe. I would never follow Tobin, who is an idiot who does not realize that the natural order is an intellectual construct, and not a very good one if it ignores science and has an asexual thumb on the scales. Homosexuality is more common, and therefore less disordered, than his asexuality, assuming he is not the former and doth protest too much.

Reactionaries almost always put loyalty above truth. The left tends to be true but not powerful. The Church hierarchy is mostly reactionary. The only thing the reactionaries get right is the reality of the Resurrection, although the ressurection is itself a radical idea.

The Red-Geen Alliance between labor and environment is on the same page. AOC is part of DSA. We have always been both.

The papacy is now a global office rather than a reactionary fiefdom. Williams has always been a reactionary dolt who is best ignored. Reactionaries always defend their own. Dog bites man.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Today's feast is a moment to reflect on the dignity of workers

Today's feast is a moment to reflect on the dignity of workers
Co-opting competing events, like Yuletide at Solstice, is a nasty habit. Band Aids like unions do help, but the real answer is to destroy ownership by outside capital and embracing cooperation in both ownership and consumption. Buy into your own sheep farm and have the farmers buy into your employer where possible. No more non-profits or frachises. Go big or go home. Include parishes. See below for recommended reading.

To really get into the spirit of the holiday, go to a May Day March (in DC and other places, it is tomorrow). Where red and ashes and explain that you are atoning for the sins of the Church including sins against the rights of conscience of secularists and resisting unionized Catholic schools. Bring your Rosary, find like minded souls and say it, very publicly, in honor of workers, not just St. Joseph. Tell your bishop you did this and demand he join you next year.

Musings from the Christian Left: A Christian Cooperative Libertarian International Manifesto
The Future is Calling: It Wants Your Stuff: The Cooperative Social Democratic Manifesto
Questions for Employee Owners: The Bindner Analytics Guide for Expanding Cooperative Democracy
The Future is Calling: It Wants a New God: Conscience of a Catholic Radical