Monday, March 26, 2018

Beauty and sin: Latest 'Pope' episode lives with Renaissance paradox
MGB:_Was the Renaissance papacy corrupt? What else would you call adopting a theology that Jesus bought off an angry God with his death and that you can join in the transaction by purchasing indulgences that would build the Church and keep the Pope and his Curia in fancy clothes. Sadly, there are those who continue to run with the mighty and angry God scenario, especially with regard to sexuality, even after the paint has dried on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A more realistic theology, that Christ came to feel our emptiness on the cross as an act of solidarity simply does not sell indulgences in the same way.

The Prosperity Gospel, which may have been at play to, is make the servant of God rich and God will make you rich, could have also been in play in Italy. Both themes are demonic.

The power politics of Pope Alexander may have been necessary, but he could have accomplished them with the title of Emperor rather than Pope. Until Francis, Popes continued to wear the imperial red of the royal house. It is a clue that must not be overlooked in judging their deeds

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