Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Links: Texas politics, ministering to the sick, violence in Chicago

Links: Texas politics, ministering to the sick, violence in Chicago 

The South prohibiting teaching CRT is losers justice (although the South won the peace). Would family control make selecting a good curriculum any better? Because education is publicly funded, their involvement in education is not illogical - just as the propaganda in Catholic schools vis-a-vis the Church happens for a reason. Of course, raising both issues in the public square raises the curiosity of those who are not paying attention - which is probably the best we can hope for. If only Catholic schools would show the same commitment to contrasting the two Vatican Councils and why Pio Nono was such a disaster. Not everyone reads Garry Wills.

There is no advantage to running government like a business. Businesses are run for the selfish interests of management (not even for the owners in the large corporate setting). We tried it once. It's called feudalism. To continue the metaphor, the Church never left it - which is why it must change before it can take a greater role in providing services as an alternative to the government.

Bishops do not integrate their pastoral and organizational motives. Most are kind and gentle until you give them a microphone or put them together in a group. Of course, deep faith and deep thinking cannot really exist in the same space and we do not select for the latter. Deep conviction exists on both sides of the moral spectrum. 

People believe what they want to believe and will accept shady thinking like the view that Jesus brothers and sisters were cousins, to affirm this. Note that there is absolutely nothing in the bible that states that Jesus or his parents were asexuals. That Jesus would be married was not considered remarkable in the first century. It would be assumed he would be. When he told Mary not to cling to him, it was a reference how marriage ends at death.

Consider the question of whether Love comes out of Being or Being comes out of Love. An argument can be made either way, if you look at it as the parent of an infant. The reality is that we do not know how the Trinity actually works. Our experience of Their reality is for us, not for Them.

The quorum rules for Texas are interesting and harken back to single-party Democratic rule. Can't let those liberals come in and reverse segregation when the majority is not looking. The irony is thick.

Step one for Chicago is to take the guns away. Start with the police. Gangs rule when the cops cannot be trusted to not shoot the innocent, or even the mildly guilty.

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