Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kavanaugh hearings, reactions are moral reckoning, not 'national disgrace'\
MGB: This could have been avoided if Dr. Ford had talked to the FBI rather than Fienstein, the GOP had not stonewalled when they heard about it and the matter addressed in the executive session after the hearings were over, out of public view.

The sad thing is that this was dragged into the public eye, that Kavenaugh was made to be the scapegoat or sin eater for all sexually aggressive teenage boys while the Democrats made it a process issue, boycotting the committee investigation in order to insist on the FBI investigation, all the while trying to mobilize women as the GOP was out to mobilize white men. Sadly, there will be no moral reckoning for this, just continuing cynicism.

Whether Kav abused Ford is a matter for his personal confession and Dr. Ford's willingness to file a criminal complaint in Maryland, which has no statute of limitations on the alleged conduct, thanks to the excesses of the Catholic Church in covering such abuse up with settlements designed to avoid prosecution of priests. Kav gonig to jail is a stronger moral statement as is Kav either resigning his office because he is convinced of his guilt  Either or both will chill the will of teenagers to rape or even drink.

Parents will think twice about letting teens party in the basement. Fathers should also tell their daughters to come to them if anything happens, regardless of threats, to use force as necessary against aggressors and be willing to tear off the heads of anyone who does (and shit down their necks) - and their fathers as well .or police who shirk their duties to investigate because they thought the girl had it coming. Girls Lives Matter

As for the Civil War, after federal troops left, the penal system was used to re-enslave black men who could be found not working, just as welfare penalized families with men in the home and the war on drugs locks up black boys and men when whites would be sent to rehab. THAT is still a national disgrace, where moral reckoning is sadly missing. Repealing drug laws and paying both a decent minimum wage and a no-questions-asked $1000 per month tax credit for each child will solve the problem for black men, while causing low wage employers to share their toys.

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