Thursday, April 1, 2021

Links: Catholic identity at universities, meritocracy and the 'working class'

Links: Catholic identity at universities, meritocracy and the 'working class' 

Unless Catholic identity is moved from the chair to the pews, the Church will become irrelevant. Catholic universities and theologians need to be the yeast for this. It is the only way to avoid a generation of Nones.

The Sanders generation will change the discussion in the left toward a more radical direction. Whether anyone in the main stream press pays attention to what is being said - especially when topics challenge the Wall Street status quo will determine whether meritocracy holds on. 

Start with demonstrating that high executive salaries lead to wage theft, that running debt is making the rich richer as long as we roll interest into new debt and stressing that Wall Street speculation is not investment in the way that it is described as an element of Gross Domestic Product. Plant and Equipment is a function of expected purchases by government, retirees and other households. The Catholic Press needs to join the discussion - and not by asking theologians.

COVID deaths have more to do with bad medicine than bad politics. If people do not recognize that, while the first symptoms go away, the second set do not - especially the respiratory ones. That is the real scandal and few talk about it - especially in the media and medical hierarchy.

LGBTQIA and hetero students need to get out of court and quietly educate universities and bishops about the unreality of Catholic sexual teaching. They need to out the asexuals in the clergy to themselves. 

There are better lawsuits - ones on behalf of employees asserting that the bishops' desire for religious liberty is to seek legitimacy behind reasserting religious power. Saying employees and students should go elsewhere is to continue to cede ground to the hierarchy it never deserved in the first place.

There are four classes, the lucky retired, the poor and the working class - who receive the bottom 30% of adjusted gross income and make up the bottom 75% of households, the middle class - who receive the next 30% and who make up from the 75th to the 95th percentiles and the upper class, which receive about 40% of adjusted gross income. The key is to count the money, not the people. 

As for student loans, government held student loan interest and capitalized principle paid for a significant portion of Affordable Care Act baseline counts. Before the Rescue Act, the same people could not afford to pay both the interest and their Obamacare premiums. They are in the working class too.


  1. "COVID deaths have more to do with bad medicine than bad politics." That is a bizarre statement. Early in the pandemic hospitals were overwhelmed, there was a lack of ventilators and PPE, Doctors and nurses were working impossible shifts and the X-president was saying it would all go away by Easter Sunday (last year).

    "LGBTQIA and hetero students need to get out of court and quietly educate universities and bishops about the unreality of Catholic sexual teaching." I lived the 80s. John McNeil and other theologians were making great strides in "educating" the hierarchy, or so I thought. I was involved with Dignity and had naive hopes. Then along came Ratzinger...I am now a "none" and consider all formal religions as the essential problem rather than solution waiting to be revealed.

    1. It is not bizzare from my POV, since I had COVID. People on vents cannot give a medical history so cannot say what happened. Those of us who were not, if asked the right questions, will say that they had a week where they had either a bad cold or bad seasonal allergies, followed by a week of no symptoms followed by getting really sick. People who have had recent colds can manage the cold systems with decongestants and inhalers, while also having bad fatigue for 2 weeks.

      People without the right information think that the second round will just go away, like the first. They wait to get treatment and they die.

      Ratzinger, et al, need to be made aware of their own asexuality. Until they realize that their feeling of holiness is simply difference, they will continue to be ignorant. They are LGBTQIA and those who are not comfortable with their own sexuality are dangerous to youth.

    2. Most importantly, don't let them push you out. You have as much right to be in the Church as they do. Stay and fight for hearts and minds. They would rather you left. Don't give them the satisfaction.
