Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Links for 10/13/20

Links for 10/13/20 

Courts rule in favor of business because the law is capitalist. Until I see Barrett compared to similar judges on how she rules, I am going to consider this line of argument a canard based on prejudice rather than reality.

On 2020, turnabout is fair play. I hope to see the ERA enacted next year as the 28th Amendment.

Trump is finally realizing that Barr is a fifth columnist. He and Mueller are best buds. They played Trump like a fiddle. Ever see The Sting? Cue Scott Joplin as the Supremes are about to deny Trump's attempts to quash the subpoena for his financial records, which are needed not for an investigation, but the official copies for evidence at his trial. Trump has realized that SDNY cannot be stopped and will get first crack in 3 weeks and one day. If Pence tries a pardon, Cy Vance will simply receive the baton.

If anyone is priggish enough to object to Regneron, then they will soon be joining the angels in Heaven. As for Trump, cases in the Midwest are huge, the CDC never figured out that the leading symptom was "allergies" that last for a week and turn to SARS2 a week later. Trump's bluster and racism are his undoing. Lots of Trump voters in the Midwest are going to be sick on election day - too sick to get to the polls. I hope they ordered their ballots already. Between 100,000 and 200,000 will die in Red States in the next few months of what is normal spread and CDC/WHO malpractice.

Even before the pandemic, growth was slowing and a collapse of rental housing value and Cryptocurrency was going to shock the economy into recession. Oddly, the pandemic prevented this, or at least delayed it. Biden has the perfect solution - raise taxes on speculators and spend the money on consumers. It works every time. It is why Obama's economic miracle started with the American Tax Relief Act in 2013, which increased taxes on the wealthy to Clinton levels. Sadly, the press is economically illiterate. They think tax cuts help. They do not.

The problems with Wilkes-Barre will lessen with age. People forget that the more conservative voters of today will not be around when Millenials, et al, are in prime voting age - and they do vote, thanks to Obama and Sanders.

The old Vatican II counter-revolutionaries have to be noticing the most shocking thing about Francis' writings. They make no attempt to continue the hubris they expect of the papacy. If this is a permanent change, the Church has evolved and will do so with greater speed. This is what Apocalypse means. The revelation of new truth. Even the old time Catholic prophets spoke of renewal in the Church and its focus on improving life for the working family. The Lord makes all things new again and the old clericalism is dying with the St. John Paul bishops.  Papal relativism (truth ex cathedra) is no more.

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