Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Links for 2/5/19

The disease of inequality is abetted by low taxes for two reasons. The first is that it provides an incentive to make money by controlling or reducing labor costs and taking the profits. If the taxes are high enough, the government gets the bonus, not the CEO and stockholders. The second is that it encourages asset speculation (and lower entitlement and direct spending) to essentially provide monopoly money  to inflate the price of good assets and to create bad ones (which are then sold in the usual Ponzi scheme to less savvy investors who then lose their money when the price tanks).

Part of tax avoidance is the assumption that debt is owed on a per capita basis, meaning each family owes the same thing. This is untrue. Borrowing is possible because we have income taxes and the debt can only be paid back or maintained with income taxes (if rollovers are no longer allowed). Currently, the debt is 13 times the total income tax collected.  This means that families owe 13 times what is paid. If you pay nothing, you owe nothing. If you pay $1,000 your share owe $13,000. If you owe $10,000 you owe $130,000, etc.  Normal Income should also include, rather than inheritance taxes on the very wealthy, tax on all cash payouts from the estate or from selling estate assets, or from receiving trust funds or life insurance policies (with a $50,000 year floor on payments (twice that for joint filers and widows). Of course, people with great wealth spend less (unless you make them pay a value added tax for buying assets. 25% is fair. Suddenly, everyone is paying enough, unless you wish to have a wealth tax that simply takes 13 times income taxes in wealth (less Treasury bonds held).

Neither Howard Who? (which could be a campaign slogan if he were smart) or Donald Trump will be on the ballot in 2020. If he thinks that pandering to the wealthy so that they can avoid taxes has legs, he can certainly try, but it will help the Democratic Socialists more than his chances.

Dr. Northam simply reiterated Catholic doctrine. That providing extraordinary methods are not required when a child is born with severe deformities (and we are not talking Downs'). That some obstetricians induce birth early is for the good of the mother and is better than D&C or D&X. This is not infanticide. Trap laws can be enacted by states,but if they violate limits on undo burden found in Casey, they will be overturned before they even get to the Court, will not be granted Cert. Injunctions to preserve them until the case is heard have been settled. see last Friday's ruling on Louisiana.

Anyone claiming Trump is caught in the Prosperity Gospel, which prizes self-reliance above reliance on others and God. As for being pro-choice, that is a question of law, not morality. If you object to the morality but not the law, you are also pro-choice. The answer is to follow the Magisterium and provide for a family size sensitive income, which includes a living wage (fight for $15+ including inflation) and, because the free market cannot do so, government action and taxation until it can. Late word has it that Trump has changed his focus to dealing with abortion. This, and patriotism, are the last refuges of the scoundrel. I hope that Abrams adjusts and, rather than defending abortion, attacks Trump and his MAGA legions as running a scam on unsuspecting pro-life voters.

Phone sex with a minor is about asexuality and prior abuse. Gays don't do such things, especially outed ones (unless they think their partner on the phone is of age). This is probably why conversion therapy works in some cases. The person is really a blank slate sexually, although their development is always stunted, leaving celibacy a reasonable option.

Pastors keeping watch for abuse (as well as the laity) has been going on for a while. As for past bad actors, most have retired or passed on to their eternal punishment or reward if their repentance was sincere rather than transactional.

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