Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Links for 2/20/19
Is a synodal Church enough or do we need more synodal churches? I am not hinting that we go full Orthodox with a Patriarch for each nation, but maybe for each language. Such a structure has a better chance at ecumenicism, both nationally and within the larger Catholic Church in union with the Imperial See.

The Democrats should support Israel, but not to the exclusion of Palestine. My guess is that the latter will be part of a DSA party once MAGA kills the GOP. After Trump gets his just deserts there may be a rush for the exits in the congressional GOP, forcing a split. Single member Districts always resolve into a duality. Neither the Federalists nor the Whigs just became the GOP. They actually died.

My guess is that 7 MPs changed sides because the saw Tories about to run for the exits. Israel is not that big a thing in the UK. They don't have neocons, unlike this column.

Like the Catholics in the mid-20th Century, the issue is more likely secularization, however both sides will find a home in the DSA wing. I can't see either wing of Islam going DLC or MAGA unless the DLC rejects Zionism. The social progressives will likely dominate the DLC and DSA wings or parties. The question is whether the African American vote splits on class grounds. Sherrill, like Gillibrand, will go DLC with her voters.

The end of Trump will end the Trump wing and bring us back to the serious business of dealing with class in America as the cultural conservatives stay in the MAGA fringe.

I detect a theme here.

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