Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What's ahead for US politics in 2019?
Trump and Pence know what Mueller has or they are fools. The question is whether Trump is shown the door today so that Ryan or someone they put in from a vacated Speakership becomes POTUS before noon tomorrow when Pelosi becomes queen maker and Hillary becomes POTUS when Trump resigns and Pence is indicted. The other option is Pence and the Cabinet hearing about one tantrum too many, leaving Trump in a locked ward in Walter Reed and Pence as acting POTUS. If he is indicted and resigns, see Nancy or Hillary as acting POTUS until the Senate removes him.

If Trump is not prosecuted, he will be the nominee. There is no chance of him not going down. The sitting or acting POTUS will be the standard bearer of their party. If it is a Democrat then the GOP field will all say they are pro-life, even if they are not. The question is whether any will call for an openly racist candidate to quit the race - or if being an openly racist candidate takes over for abortion as the main issue.  The GOP is about to become a minor party and go the way of Federalists. They will reemerge as a whiggish party and may take the Clinton Democrats with them into power.

The Democrats will cleave into the Clinton and Bernie forces and the party may not last the year. Unless social media is still bot-heavy, that there are two camps that will never work together again is almost a certainty. The question is where the identity politics voters go as to who will win in 2020.

Things will happen with an acting or succeeding Democrat as POTUS, as those who vote to impeach will scramble to the Democratic Party to save themselves. Where they fall when the party flips is an interesting question. Will that help the Clintonians win? No. They will all be considered damaged goods and DINOs. If they are nominated in 2020, the party will surely split.

Abortion will not be an issue in either Democratic camp and the GOP, or what is left of it, will focus on maintaining the overt racism of its base as its self-destruction. Good riddance to the issue. Late term abortions, which are decidedly rare, are seen as an act of violence. Most abortions are as violent as having a period or a miscarriage in the public mind. Most women have had at least one of these, so the issue has lost its legs. Unless the Catholic vote demands large subsidies to families to stop abortion, it is a dead issue entirely. The question is whether the Sanders crowd will go Zero Population Growth or the more Marxian to each according to their need. The Hillary crowd will not consider any change to the status quo.

The purpose of prayer is not so much intercession as letting God work through the supplicant. Few will pray for Trump, unless they are praying that he find eternal rest as soon as possible. Trump has brought out Old Testament wrath in most people.

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