Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New members of Congress need to deploy self-discipline
Any publicity is good publicity, especially for a back bencher, if they spell your name right. For Congresswoman Tlaib, that is hard to do without looking at it in the article. She is still a back bencher and spellcheck will recognize Tlaib but not Tlaib's.. Rep. Ocasio y Cortez is not doing much better, especially because people hyphenate her name rather than use the correct Spanish form, which I have done. The difference is Rep. Tlaib's fifteen minutes of fame have probably ended. Rep. Ocasio is just getting started, although she also has a long way to go.

Rep. Tlaib's  comments were not profane, just vulgar. (I still want to type Tailb and spellcheck still does not recognize it.) The word vulgar has the same root as vulgate, as in the Latin Vulgate Bible. It means the common tongue. People often say pardon my French when it is used, but the word is not a French word, it is German, derived from the word Fokken, which is to penetrate, although there is nothing penetrating about the mind of Trump. It is only vulgar in the english speaking world because of immigration and World War I. I will not validate the ban on these words because doing so would only abet such racism. I will use the german rather than dashes and see if it is flagged. If not, I will fokking sue Facebook for discrimination based on national origin. As for George's list, only four five and six can no longer be said on TV, and four and five are only bad because they are not Politically Correct as a slur against women and gays.

If Tlaib had called him a G_ddamn Motherfokker, she would have been using profanity, however she would still be inaccurate.  Trump is a Motherfokking Idiot with delusions of G_dhead. (note my treatment of the name of G_d). He is totally incompetent to do the job he ran for, so his party is full of enough motherfokking fools who nominated him. He was never a good negotiator, unless asking your father for money (who was also a motherfokking racist) or selling out your country to a crypto-commie bastard are considered making a good deal. Trump is also four and five, by the way.

If being well salted lets one be salty, then I must qualify to use the term motherfucker, since I have been around Washington for way too long, having first walked into the Capitol 35 years ago today as an intern.  As an intern, if I had used the term motherfucker, Senator Jepsen would have sent me home to Iowa, which has enough Germans to make use of the word Fokk a colloquialism. I am now an expert on tax policy and if I do not make comments on the Tax Policy Center web page, people would wonder where I was. In tax policy circles, I am considered a though leader and I would still not use vulgarity on their site (and if I don't clean this screed up on Facebook, I will get flagged. Indeed, MSW's article may be flagged for even mentioning the word.

Rep. Tlaib's only sin was using the term with the camera on. At least Senator Romney did not think he was being taped by a waiter when he talked about the 47% of non-taxpayers who would never vote for him - and he was right because he broke the 13th Commandment - Thou shalt not get caught. It was an open secret that the Clintons cuss like sailors, until the books Primary Colors and Game Change (I had to look this up, but that is likely a senior moment) outed them officially, but not on tape. This represented a lack of professional decorum, more on the part of the authors than the media. Nixon also used such vulgarity and he was no idiot, but still had the same delusions of G_dhead as Trump, although Trump is much worse and (to repeat myself) is an idiot.

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