Monday, September 3, 2018

Viganò's latest statement part of concerted campaign to attack papacy
MGB: Vagano's opposition to this Pope has more to do with his decision not to join the constitutional fight on gay marriage in the United States than any doctrinal differences.  No amount of pressure from the right wing pews will ever reverse this decision, which is integral to the concept of individual rights in this country. His cabal of bishops poured their hearts, our treasure and their best doctrinal arguments to the battle against gay marriage and were horribly humiliated.  Not even George W. Bush, who made this issue his major thrust in 2004 did not care so much about this loss. It was simply one of many issues to him. It was foundational for the cabal.

You can believe or not believe in the timeline for Vigano's story, although if he thought Francis was worse than his friend in Minneapolis, he should have resigned. The fact that his friend and Kim Davis were both anti-gay marriage, at least civilly, and Francis stated that if two cardinals had partnered up in the Vatican that it was not his place to judge is most likely the cause of his attitude. That his firing and exile (rather than a recall to Rome) are temporally close to the Kim Davis episode is indicative that MSW is correct.

Sour grapes over gay marriage likely have more to do with anything having to do with McCarrick in Vegano's opposition to this Pope.  That it caused him to feel pain in writing the letter was his conscience poking him. Too bad he did not listen.

Obamacare  and the resulting fight over contraception were similar embarrassments, which led to retribution against some of the Sisters who dissented from the bishop's position on these issues. Such pettiness is damaging to the Church, not Francis or even the likelihood that gay Catholic weddings are a natural step for us. Whether they act from love or pettiness is up to them. They are making their own suffering and history will forget them in short order.

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