Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Links for 9/25/18

MGB: Ed's ilk go back to Nixon and opposition to Kerry after he joined the peace movement. His ilk comes from the Birchers and the Klan, even if he does not personally go back there.  They put party before country. He is human slime. That is all we need to say about Ed.

The GOP has its head in the sand on Trump. It is why Pelosi is not vocally talking about impeachment, but the candidates are. Don't tell the GOP voters they won't have a party next year. Texas is an example, both in the Senate and the Governor's race, although the Dems need to move as if Trump is not there and work hard to win.

Using abortion on this confirmation is a way for the pro-choice movement to look busy. The Catholic Church is fair game if it keeps this issue alive. Kav is pro-Roe and has said as much, meaning he is the seventh such justice. 5-4 is a tactic to raise money and keep a dead issue alive. As Kav is a Kennedy acolyte, I believe him. Another nominee would be worse, but Kav is no gentleman. You can't do gang rapes in High School and think no one will notice. A gentleman would have ended this by now and no male who is not does not belong on the Court.

Employee ownership and its internationalization is the only way rid ourselves of capitalist trade policy, which is the safety valve against organization. Such organizations must attract the best people and innovate more so that, even if they lose money on currency conversion, they win overall.

Whether fighting a disaster or a control board, a competent Governor is essential. It does not have one and attacking Trump, while needed, will not help them get one. That is on them.

We need to move cities, build dikes (and stick Trump's head in them) and revoke flood insurance for those people who insist on living by the beach, or at least limit the payback.

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