Thursday, July 19, 2018

Links for 7/19/18
MGB: The only one to blame is Trump and those voters who saw him as their salvation from the blackness of Obama or his (non-existent) talent as a CEO (most of whom are about themselves, not their companies).

Trump is the dog who ate his won homework and who should be put down by his own party if it is to survive, figuratively of course.

Let Hannity be the Greek Chorus that extols the fallen tyrant as he rots in his jail cell (not a metaphor).

The 56 Republicans being outraised is almost twice what is needed to put Trump in the docks in the Senate, figuratively of course. The accused is almost never present at an impeachment trial.

There is already a Vets PAC run by Gen. Wes Clark. Of course, Wes will not take it down the blind alley of shooting ourselves in the foot just before an election for one man's ambitions.

Puerto Rico faced total system failure, so the response cannot be done at once. Still, its  Governor and his aids huddling in the convention center when they should have been actively directing recovery in the first hours speaks volumes about why PR is in trouble in the first palce. I hope he is primaried, as he is also a sell-out to bondholders. His job was to push back and he did not do it.

The focus on the working class was abandonned when being Red lost its fashionability in the McCarthy era and before. Bernie is bringing that back for the young, but a wider net is needed.

Happy Jubiliee Fr. Scott. May your spirituality continue to enlarge.

I am, sure the Prime Minister made a stop in the Saloon before facing the American Bafoon, so the mislableling is apt.

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