Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Links for 7/10/18

MGB: Red and blue cycle in Illinois, which is a shame, although it is good for ad revenue for the local TV stations, probably more so than the general electon, which is solidiy Democratic at the top of the ticket. As far as his private prison stock ownership, such prisons should be banned and replaced with correctional treatment hospitals run by Catholic Health Association. Sadly, the Sisters have not seen the need to provide this service, which is more shameful than the governor getting a piece of the action.

I have been writing too much to read anything. Pity that, although of late my reading has been mostly socialist, which you can only do for so long until you pick up some fiction. As to the quote, the capitalists can only control things when there is not alternate voice. Bernie Sanders helped create such a mass voice, as did the reaction to Trump himself, so there is no possiblity of him winning in the end or dragging this nation to where Hitler took the Germans.

To MSW on originalism, make sure you see the discussion, which I drew from, with the notorious RBG and Scalia, with the money quote that all the justices are now Origionalists.  This controversy is long settled, so don't spend too much time on it (like abortion is settled).

I will take MSW's word for the insanity of Fr. Z. I never read his site. My eyes would bleed, although I still hope he reads and condemns my book on Papal Anachronists. I could use the sales that would generate.

Most people hear America the Beautiful only at Mass and the beauty of it is that they sing along. I don't care how bad it sounds on the organ if it sounds good when the people join in.  I am not going to a recital. I love the Navy Hymn as well, but it is a funeral song above all else when sailors or naval veterans are laid to rest, in which case it should be mandatory.

I think Planned Parenthood should be owned by its employees, so that the SEIU should only be used as a stock proxy service. It begs the question, who owns the organization that right wingers love to hate?

Iowa voters are not forgotten. They ar the most over campaigned and overstudied in history. They are why I belive we should go back to congressional members (with nominees if the other side holds the seat) selecting the presidential nominee and, with the help of additonal local party activists, holding the convention and picking the party.  Rural Iowa gave us Stephen King. Every time he speaks, I am glad I no longer live in Iowa.

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