Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Links for 4/24/18

MGB:_I am about to publish a book on Papal Anachronists that LifeSiteNews is going to hate. Can’t wait to send them the link. Needless to say, Francis did not make the list, but Pius did. Three of them.

The Archbishop is doing what the Governor should be doing to both eliminate debt and secure continuing funding. Where is their Delegate in all of this?

Being evenhanded on who is worse when the Democrats get their news from MSNBC, which is good journalism, while Republicans get their news from FoxNews, which is pure propaganda, is itself lunacy. MSW, embrace your liberalism.

Trump made an effort to get Evangelical Authoritarians (which is not all of them). He did not need to work to get the Catholic Authoritarians. They believed what he said he believed about abortion hook, line and sinker. You don’t need Arroyo when you have Burke and Chaput.

Syria cannot be fixed. It needs to be absorbed into an Arab kingdom containing Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and the Palestinian and Arab portions of Israel. Now that is a two-state solution.

Barabara was a sweet lady. As for higher education, public and private schools containing the last two years of high school and the first two of college (with a residential option for couples) should have unionized teachers, with the last two years of college and graduate school operating as employee-owned institutions, either inside larger cooperatives or alone serving many fimrs. Tenure is about self and mutual ownership, not a license to offend. That is where the term collegiality comes from.

What substance does Gobry want? The days when institutional Catholicism has rights over non-Catholic citizens should be a thing of the past. That is should get its share of public funds over education and welfare fund is more than obvious, both here and in France.

Good for unionization. Which ones? Sadly, it should mean more ownership and control of the workplace, not just more heft for bargaining.

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