Friday, April 20, 2018

Bishop McElroy: Politics should pursue common good, not special interests
MGB:_Hillary lost, in part, because she defended partial birth abortion in the debates rather than retorting to Trump that such procedures were already illegal and that blanket opposition to the President had prevented any reform in how late-term abortions were treated. She could have then attacked the GOP elements of the pro-life movement as being more about electoral politics than reducing abortion. This is the tack that Obama took in 2008 and it neutralized the movement enough for him to win the Catholic vote in the same percentages as the public at large, something Hillary did not do.

There are four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance. Abortion is only on the list if it is considered murder or infanticide. Putting sodomy on is quaint, but at least the Church was smart enough not to stress it in any new version of Faithful Citizenship because the public is against them on this. Two of the others are exploiting workers, which the GOP is guilty of in attacking organized labor and ignoring the cry of the poor, which the GOP does because it believes the poor need incentives, not assistance. If the last two were given the weight McElroy (and Francis) desire, it would gut the implicit argument that Catholics cannot vote Democratic.

The solution to abortion is to hear the cry of workers and the poor, because the law is not changing or even changeable with legilsation. As for the sour grapes over gay marriage, the Republican bishops need to get over it. The presidency of Donald Trump has been an embarrassment, which even Republican members of Congress agree with privately. The current version of the GOP is a sinking ship. It is time to abandon it.

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