Friday, December 29, 2017

In 2017, politics influenced religion
MGB:_The last I checked, the Southern Christian Leadership Conferencne, the NAACP, the Urban League and the ACLU all still existed on the left, although there was no national white Christian focus. Abortion is not mentioned, but abortion is not an issue per se. When the movement develops a real plan to pass something or comes to grips with the fact that personhood means that the mother goes to jail, we will take it seriously. Until then, it is an organ of the GOP based solely on emotionalism. It deserves no opposition because it is simply a scam, albeit a scam that got Trump elected. Note that I am not persecuting the unborn, I am calling foul on the conservatives for waiving the bloody clinic sheet in order to get votes and money.

No one is at all shocked that the Knights of Columbus have become a GOP front. They are civic, no longer religious.

Napa might as well be a Koch Industries front group as well. They fund astroturf and pseudo-science. The left is not looking so bad after all.

La Civita did not insert the knife, it just turned it a bit. It shows how the pro-life, pro-marriage movement, both Catholic and Evangelical are a Republican electoral front group. Their big win this year is tax cuts for the rich, nothing about abortion or marriage (which have no active policy options and, no, appointing Gorsuch is not an action. Roberts and Alito voted with Kennedy on these issues. Gorsuch likely will too.

The tragic thing is the conformity of the bishops with these scams, which they tried to escape but did not whe Naumann was elected to Pro-Life Activities over Cupich. The Church is already, in so many ways, the GOP at prayer, although some of us are exercising a prophetic voice and calling on real change on abortion, starting with abandoning fraud and sentimentality as a tactic and taking FROM, rather than giving to, Catholic Social Teaching in pushing for family subidies like a child tax credit big enough to meet the needs of every child, according to USDA figures.

Prophets do not have grass roots. We never have.

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