Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Editorial: The church was not 'out-marketed' on gay marriage

MGB:_Dolan’s problem on gay marriage was and is the belief that gay marriage is about opinion or mass teaching and not about rights. Rights are not put to a vote. It does not matter how many agree with the final position (although the Court does pay some attention to that). The real problem for the Church is a lack of contrition and a lack of self-awareness.

On contrition, had Catholic hospitals treated long time companions with the decencyh of any spouse, the only reason to pursue gay marriage would be tax policy, which for some is a wash. The Church was prefering the family of origin to the spouse, even though Jesus said that when a couple is married, they leave that family and cling to their spouse. The ontology of this passage is not about sexuality but companionship and the Church got and gets it wrong One day, it will be celebrating gay marriages because the families say so and THAT will be because they were marketing a bad product.

As to self-awareness, the Church just gets it wrong on sexual orientation. People are gay, not same-sex attracted (as if renaming it makes it something that can be changed). People are also naturally asexual and Catholics of that orientation gravitate to the priesthood and consecrated life. Their only problem is that they think this is a charism or a chosen life style. It is not. It is an autonomous and peculiar sexuality that they are entitled to experience, but not to impose onto the rest of us with their rationalism about our sexuality requiring a necessary end, childbirth, rather than being good for its own sake. You can’t market asexuality to sexual people and not be laughed out of the room. Cardinal Dolan, an obvious asexual, should quit trying to do so.

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