Thursday, October 12, 2017

Links for 10/12/17
MGB:_American political rhetoric has always been close to blood sport. That is why the founders created the electoral college. Oops.

In Europe, families with Downs Children recieve support, indeed all families recieve support that they don’t get here. Their value added taxes raise the revenue necessary for this, which is why the GOP resists such a tax so vehemently. The pain capable argument is valid as the fetus reacts to the procedure, which is rare, even if it cannot perceive the pain. This argues for requiring anasthesia or maybe induction, not a mandate to continue the pregnancy. Few have an abortion that late because they simply decide that they don’t want a child.

I suspect the hierarchy is on the wrong side of the gerrymandering case because of right to life movement coalition politics. Sadly, that does not include passing a VAT and a higher child tax credit.

Bannon is an ersatz populist who never met a billionaire he did not like.

The EU is engaging in snobbery. As folks in the food desserts of America if they want a supermarket or that mom and pop store with the higher prices staffed by family members and setting out food that was originally displayed in the white stores but has expired. That is life in Anacostia DC and it has nothing to do with free markets.

I am glad Mass is being offered, but I wish the Governor’s office would either figure out how to deal with the military trying to help them or put them in charge. The buck stops with him and his incompetent staff, who need to quit sending memos to each other and start leading food and water convoys.

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