Monday, October 9, 2017

Conference on 'Amoris Laetitia' was dialogical, grounded in reality
MGB:_It would have been good to read AL before getting married, except it had not been written until we were divorcing. It is interesting to note the absence of a discussion of how in-laws figure into the decision to divorce, even though Jesus mentions the issue in Mark (and nothing at all about homosexuality). Divorce is a contagion. If one or both families of origin are broken, I suspect chances are worse for success. Other takeaways are Professor Imperator-Lee’s comments on how doctrine romanticizes marriage (I would add sex to that) and the need for lay rather than priestly formation, although allowing married priests would take care of both circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. The official church makes a mockey of our Lord's command to not Lord their positions over the people, making the washing of the feet at Holy Thursday Mass a cynical farce. We are all the Church, MJ.
    Moral teachings are not for justification for the next life, but for this one, in this time. Our job is to not increase burdens on the people, who do not have to wait for every bad proof-text-flowing down the Tiber. AL is at last releasing some of them, although many of us would like to have had it go further. De Fide aside, we did not get into this neoplatonic asexual Hell hole overnight, but we will get out.
