Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Links for 09/19/17

MGB: Unless the goal is Medicaid for All (no copays, no premiums, no deductibles, Accountable Care Organizations aka HMOsd), then Universal Coverage under the Affordable Care Act is essentially Medicare for all. I have had all three in the past four months and all that is different is the payment schedule. It is Kaiser in all three cases. The questions are much we pay in fees, how much in taxes, how we deal with mandates and whether undocumented workers are included.

Since gang-bangers never come armed to Church, the Cardinal’s edict is all about gun nuts flexing their muscles in God’s house. How shameful. Of course, for schools, it is the gang members. Just as shameful. The counter-argument is also true. Anyone open to murder does not care what the Cardinal says.

If pro-lifeish is a warm puppies sentiment, if he can in, the Democrats will vote for him. If he has a secret plan to ban all abortions or overturn Roe, there might be a problem.

Fracking is not universal. If Oklahoma still allows it no one will be living or voting there shortly. Unless the damage it causes triggers an endless series of earthquakes in the entire midwest, the practice will bring its own demise.

Socialist literature is showing that racism and sexism are endemic to the Capitalist strategy to divide and conquer. Part of the cure is identity politics for as long as the alt-right is a thing (and when has it not been in the South).

Dana is whistling past the graveyard. Robert Muller will be coming for him soon. When the Ethics committee starts looking at expelling him, you will know Trump is also on the way out.

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