Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Links for 09/12/17

We don't just live in interesting times, we live in extraordinary times.  That a pro-choice (I am assuming) Massachusetts AG would work with the Cardinal on immigration is not really a surprise at all. He is wise enough to know that the Church's common electoral front with the GOP is a sham.  I wonder if he and the AG talked about Roe and how it is not wrongly decided (you may not like the result, but there is nowhere to show in the 14th Amendment that the unborn are people or that it was not the intent of the drafters for it to be a firm check on states that attack minority rights).

Edgar Cayce said no one would want to live in Florida either, but his visions of it happening before the Millennium did not come true.  God voted on the question and sent Irma on the best possible path to not take any lives.

The Caribbean needs to unite into one country so it has the strength to tax adequately and tell bond merchants to go away.  Until then, their debt should be forgiven.

Steve Bannon likes getting ink. He is all about Steve Bannon. He thinks he is the new Karl Rove.

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