Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Links for 06/21/17

Links for 06/21/17: At the Washington Post, James Hohmann looks at the fallout from last night's special election in GA-6. The Democrat Jon Ossoff centered his campaign around the themes of civility and moderati...

MGB: So much for centrism.  Did not know he was a Clintonite.  He should have attacked Trump more.

It would be stupid for the Democrats to base their leadership decisions on the propaganda against them by non-Democrats.  Whether she retains or not depends on whether Sanders candidates challenge in safe seats and who wins the contested seats in 2018.  Whether large numbers of seats change hands depends on whether the Special Prosecutor finds anything and how these findings are resolved. Censure is predictable, but it won's look good in swing districts.  MSW does not like Pelosi over abortion politics.  Democrats need their Catholic members to explain why Roe was decided how it was, how it won't change and how the GOP is a scam for saying it can be. So far, Pelosi has not had the courage to teach her Catholic brethren the truth.

The religious left is centrist, whereas the left is secular.  Still, as an original Christian leftist, I have not problem supporting Democrats - or Socialists.

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