Monday, June 19, 2017

Democrats and rural America

Democrats and rural America: Distinctly Catholic: Democrats know that the Republicans will play to rural voters' fears: The left must play to their hopes, and you have to get to know people to know what it is they hope for.

MGB: The problem with benefits is that they go to the poor for being poor.  Give every family with a worker or remedial/student trainee a child care tax cut of $1000 per child per month and you will build solidarity behind the concept of living wage and thus de-fang the GOP.

Of course, abortion is still an issue for rural voters.  Catholic politicians need to drop the pluralism line and explain why Roe was decided the way it is and why it cannot be overturned judicially.  Cast the question of when personhood begins as a federal legislative question, debate it until no one has any new ideas, compromise and disband both NARAL an the National right to Life Committee.  The GOP knows what would happen to it if a real compromise were enacted, so don't expect one, ever. Stating the strategy, however, would still take away their meal ticket.  Obama did this on a small scale in 2008.  Time to go big.

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