Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What does it mean for goverance to have an issue-free election?

What does it mean for goverance to have an issue-free election?: Most Americans are only too happy to see the election come to a close. Unlike the life of man in the state of nature as described by Thomas Hobbes, this election has been nasty, brutish, but it wasn&#...

MGB:_Taxes are always an issue, at least for tax geeks.  Every candidate releases a tax plan and it is scored by the Tax Policy Center.  The fact that this is not covered is on the media, not the candidates.

Abortion got its brief mention, which is all this non-issue ever deserves. The Partial Birth Abortion discussion was a total farce because there is already a law in place that survived consitutional scrutiny.

The immigration reform bill that passed the Senate was a joke designed to embarrass Republicans. It would never have gotten through the Senate if people thought it was the final product, which should be much less draconian.

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