Monday, January 3, 2022

What to expect in the world of US politics in 2022

What to expect in the world of US politics in 2022 

I would have expected those on the left to think democracy was in trouble, given what we hear on certain cable news stations. It turns out those on the right have a case of sour grapes. This is normal. The survey has nothing to do with the actual state of our democracy.

Restrictive voting laws are being challenged by the Justice Department, who will win the challenge. Republicans who ignore laws on redistricting will face electoral consequences. No one likes cheaters.  

Action on warming will not occur until there is more damage (it's how humans roll) and inflation should take care of itself. Raising interest rates (and taxes) may slow speculation and prevent a downturn. Pandemic inflation will be over soon because Omicron functions as a vaccine against later SARS-CoV-2.

The Court is not going to be packed and the filibuster should not be ended - although 55 is a good number for cloture. It would have stopped some of Trump's judges. Judges, Justices and Senators are not immortal. Systemic change in response to this moment should recognize that majorities change too. Comity needs to return in both houses, with a return to Open Rules in the House being the necessary first step. The Speaker cannot decry partisanship when she practices it as well as Hastert did.

The common wisdom that Casey will be overturned (Roe was overturned by Casey) is faulty. It will never give states the last word, although it may move away from viability on its own accord. State power over civil rights cannot be allowed to succeed.  Only Scalia was for that. He is still dead.

To pass Build Back Better, it needs to put off everything but the Child Tax Credit, Childcare and paid family leave. The other points need to be what the Democrats run on. BBB should be sold as pro-life legislation and Biden needs to dare the Catholic Bishops to label it thusly. That will take leadership rather than partisanship. The Pro-Choice side will not oppose such a measure. Those pro-lifers that believe in freedom through work might. Their issue is not life, it is sexuality and capitalism.

Note to MSW on cultural issues. Progressives do not bring these up until Reactionaries do. Protecting non-binary people only became a thing when Republicans started attacking them. They do that kind of thing to distract low information voters from economic issues. They always have and always will.

The PRIMARY political issue for this year is punishing those who sparked the Insurrection - especially those members of Congress who were in on the planning for the day. Every member of a conspiracy is legally responsible for the bad acts of the other conspirators - and the upcoming hearings are going to lay this out in fine detail. The GOP would be smart to cut their losses and have the guilty among them resign, with Trump's cronies pleading guilty so that we can forget about them. The GOP is not that smart.

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