Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Links: No required vaccines at CUA and debates about 'tax and spend'

Links: No required vaccines at CUA and debates about 'tax and spend' 

Pakaluk is fringe, even within the CUA community. Without an outbreak of disease, with symptoms rather than positive tests, some people will simply not do what is advisable. Of course, they will blame the exchange students rather than themselves if there is an outbreak.

The big news about orchestrating 2020 is why they did it: the mistaken belief that re-election would hide Trump from prosecution or lawsuit. The meme is not the reality. Even with Barr, Cy Vance would have hauled him into court eventually.

The key to the GOP are small businesses. Sadly, they are not willing to make demands on their masters. Most franchisees will not seek help against their owners because they harbor dreams of wealth themselves. Being a little rich is worse than being a little poor (and people can be both). Until big business is given some incentive to end the franchise system, little can be done.

Annoying paywall. As someone with Sinti ancestry, I have to agree with her on the offense nature of this curricula. Such operas should not be on the requirements list for the major. Instead, mandate Hazel O'Connor and Miles Davis. No music education is complete without knowledge of So What and Sketches of Spain and especially Ascenseur pour l'Echafaud'' The relevant and essential question is where ethics and aesthetics meet (and how much this affects our politics and/of sexual morality).

Religion is, by nature, tribal. If a professor is uncomfortable not only teaching, but also learning about the dirty laundry of the tribe (and the Catholic Church has plenty), then running away may be essential. Of course, I would rather stay and fight - but would often agree with some of the students.

At least Gallicho has the right idea. If the liberal ethos means anything, it means to not go away and not be silent. I hope Cardinal Sean reads his Commonweal this month. Of course, the issue with San Francisco is why there is no shelter on the Cathedral grounds. At least no one turned a firehose on Lazarus. As for Grant's Pass, city fathers, they will one day wish for San Francisco's irrigation system for where they are going.

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